Vincent Blondel Requests Relief from Duties as Rector to Avoid Conflict: UCLouvain Updates

2023-10-09 14:49:00

“My wish is to avoid any situation detrimental to the university, particularly in the context of internal elections within our institution,” explains Vincent Blondel in a letter sent this Monday to members of the board of directors.

To avoid any ambiguity during a period which will be sensitive, the rector requests to be relieved of his duties as rector, as well as from all mandates linked to them, from February 9, 2024. “The date of February 9 corresponds to start of the period of caution for the legislative, regional and European elections,” he specifies.

“That I refrain from speaking”

“I suggest,” he continues in his letter, “that from today, unless there is explicit agreement from the president of the board of directors, I refrain from speaking publicly, as rector, outside of the university. Public expressions might be provided in the future, depending on the subjects, by other members of the university, in particular the members of the rectoral council.”

Vincent Blondel also asks Professor Didier Lambert, vice-rector for personnel policy, to examine the question of possible conflicts of interest concerning him and to present to the board of directors proposals to establish a global structured framework that he will be able to follow until February 9. “This assessment will be carried out in the coming days.” As for the overall framework, it will be subject to the decision of the board of directors.

“Preventing ambiguities”

“It is of course with real emotion that I make the request to be relieved of my duties as rector from February 9,” confides Vincent Blondel. I sincerely believe that this is the best option, preventing ambiguities and potential conflicts of interest while allowing the University the necessary time to prepare for a smooth transition.”

In the event of the rector’s absence or incapacity, the ordinary regulations provide that Professor Didier Lambert replaces him.

”These proposals are submitted to the attention of the members of the board of directors. They do not constitute decisions at this stage, but I judged it useful, with the agreement of the chairman of the board of directors, to present them now in a confidential manner.”

Officially, no date has yet been set for the rectoral elections. They are supposed to be organized in spring 2024.

Vincent Blondel has been at the head of UCLouvain since 2014. In mid-September, he announced that he would not seek a third term. At the same time, we learned that he would be head of the list for the Engagés in Walloon Brabant for the regional election.

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