Sober October: a challenge with multiple benefits

2023-10-08 12:48:52

Better sleep, more beautiful skin, less risk of cancer: these are the benefits that await people who choose to be sober.

So “Sober October” – which consists of staying sober throughout the month of October – might save you more than just a hangover.

It’s no longer a secret, experts agree that alcohol has impacts on health, and studies prove it!

Sleep and mental health

First, in the first week of sobriety, it is sleep that will improve and therefore mornings will be easier, reported the “Dailymail”.

“While some people find that drinking alcohol helps them fall asleep faster, it disrupts the important stage of REM sleep, leaving you feeling tired the next day, no matter how long you stay in bed.” , explained Karen Tyrell, CEO of the charity Drinkaware, to the British media.

The latter also indicated that stopping drinking might impact mental health, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety.

Better hydration and more radiant skin

Since alcohol is a diuretic – that is, it makes you want to urinate more often – sobriety promotes better hydration and therefore more radiant skin.

Moreover, in just a few weeks, it is possible to see profits on the scale.

“A typical pint of lager contains the same number of calories as a slice of pizza, and a large glass of wine the same as an ice cream sundae. Therefore, not drinking makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight,” Tyrell said.

Other health effects

In the longer term, not drinking alcohol helps reduce the risk of more serious illnesses, such as cancer or other liver diseases.

“Even though the liver is a resilient organ that can recover following injury, the risks of developing liver cancer or liver cirrhosis begin at low levels of alcohol consumption and increase the more you drink,” a said the CEO of Drinkaware.

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