Elan Sportif des Marais: A Growing Club with Teams in All Categories

2023-10-09 05:30:00

With around 150 members, Elan Sportif des Marais has teams in all categories: from football school to seniors and women’s.

The page is turned. The previous year was animated by the Elan Sportif des Marais (ESM), resulting from the merger in 2001 between the Entente Sainteny Bohons and the Avant-Garde Marchuaise. Firstly, we had to digest the separation during the season with Marvin Sevestre, the educator in charge of the football school who was not retained. “Our volunteers took over”, points out Nicolas Jamard (37 years old) who has just started his eighth year as president. It must be said that the Manche club has never lacked arms. “Four to five years ago, we hosted in Marchésieux “A departmental youth day ». She brought together around 1,000 kids. It was huge. Maxime Colette, who had managed the organization, explained to us that volunteers had been refused.. In 2022-2023, there was also this accession to departmental D2 which escaped the pennant team; the fault of a poorly negotiated final sprint. “He didn’t miss much. The guys missed three consecutive matches at the end of the championship”.

Today, it’s all ancient history. First of all, the ESM has found a new manager for young people. “It was our priority”. Among the numerous CVs received, some even from Morocco or Tunisia (!), the Steering Committee set its sights on a local in the person of Matthieu Colette (no relation to Maxime). “Matthieu, we already knew him a little because he had been manager of our U15s and our U18s at the time when they were in agreement with Saint-Sauveur-Lendelin”, indicates Nicolas Jamard. At Elan Sportif des Marais, the technician (29 years old) has no shortage of work. Indeed, the club has young players in all categories, from U6-U7 to U13-15 (in agreement with Saint-Hilaire-Petitville) including two U11 teams. At the same time, Matthieu Colette is also available to the sports section of Le Fairage college, in Périers. “It was our first educator, Cédric Renault, who created it”.

New lighting, installation of protective nets, change of handrail

A succession that might well fuel the senior teams in the future. Led by the coaching duo Arnaud Sophie and Jonathan Leviautre, the ESM has not lost sight of its objective of moving up to D2; a division that the Manche club left two years ago. “This season, I hope it will do it”, fingers crossed the president. After four days, two victories, a draw and a defeat, the beginnings are rather encouraging. New lighting, installation of protective nets behind the goals, change of the handrail… To prepare in the best conditions for this possible accession to the higher level, the municipality of Marchésieux – with the help of Fafa (Fonds aid to amateur football, partly derived from income linked to professional football) – will give the Municipal Stadium a second lease of life. An automatic mowing robot to take care of the lawn as closely as possible has already been purchased. “This season, we are playing in Marchésieux. The next one will be in Sainteny. We alternate every other year”specifies Nicolas Jamard, so as not to make anyone jealous.

The big novelty of this 2023-2024 financial year for Elan Sportif des Marais is the transition of the women’s section, launched three years ago, from 8-a-side football to 11-a-side football. “Last season, we had a lot of graduates. As a result, some played less”, relates Nicolas Jamard who takes care of the weekday sessions while Vincent Mauger directs them on the weekend. The other side of the coin, registered in the Interdictrict Calvados-Manche championship, Alizon Cazin and her teammates (the squad includes 22 young women) are entitled to long trips, several of which are in the Caen area. “We hope for a place in the middle of the table and above all that they have fun”. A season for which they will be perfectly equipped. And for good reason, they are the ones who will wear the equipment won as part of our competition.

Elan Sportif des Marais (Manche District)

President: Nicolas Jamard. Created in 2001 (resulting from the merger between the clubs of the Entente Sainteny Bohons and the Avant-Garde Marchuaise). Around 150 licensees. Coaches of the first team (D3): Arnaud Sophie and Jonathan Leviautre. 2 senior teams (D3-D4), 1 women’s 11-a-side football team, 1 football school (U6-U7-U8-U9), 2 U11 teams, 1 U13 team (in agreement with Saint-Hilaire-Petitville), 1 U15 team (in agreement with Saint-Hilaire-Petitville), 1 veterans team.
#dynamic #Elan #Sportif #des #Marais



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