2023-10-08 18:03:54
Today, on a television project as part of the “Ideal Wife” competition, the results of a lie detector test will be analyzed. It is already known that Maria Musina admitted something secret and is afraid of Alexey Adeev’s revenge, and Kristina Bukhynbalte was asked questions from participants in the TV show who want her to leave the project. Experts will examine every interesting question, and their boyfriends will be severely punished for lying by the House 2 participants.
The room in which the participants are doused with paint is in action once more, and the first thing Alexey Bezus lost is his dandy image. We will find out what Liza Subbotina lied regarding in a week by watching the broadcasts of House 2 on 10/15/2023 on shloka.
The show organizers might come up with something new, but why, if the old one works great?
Who will pay for the lie if it turns out that Ekaterina Skalon used Sergei Khoroshev in her own interests? And who will Maxim Evstropov, kissing Anna Samonina, decide to defend?
#lies #House #participants #boyfriends #severely #punished