Discover Maison France Services at La Poste: Open House Operation for Public Services Assistance

2023-10-08 16:15:04

Installed in the premises of La Poste, Maison France services of Petreto-Bicchisano opens its doors to the public Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., until October 14 as part of a open house operation. This is an opportunity for users who do not know it to discover how it works with Pascale Antona and Céline Cesari. At the start of the week, the first day of this operation, they take the time to inform those who stop by the post office. Many do not know regarding France services and are satisfied with the services provided free of charge. “The users seem happy because they don’t know the structure”indicates Pascale Antona.

In the France services premises, users find IT tools: computer, scanner, printer, etc. carry out procedures with public services : public finances, health insurance, retirement insurance, Pôle emploi, national agency for secure documents (identity card, driving license, etc.) or even Mutualité sociale agricole.

They can access it freely but also be accompanied by Pascale Antona or Céline Cesari if they do not master IT tools and software. A “confidentiality” area has also been set up.

Half a thousand visits since its opening

“Some people come to carry out their administrative procedures every month, they are independent and get by but others, who do not have a computer or who do not know how to use digital tools, need help. The referent is there to support them”, specifies Pascale Antona.

Since its opening in November 2021, this structure has recorded nearly half a thousand visits. While some people used IT tools completely independently for their contacts with public services, the majority of them were happy to be guided, advised and supported in carrying out these procedures.

Agents welcome users during La Poste opening hours – from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. – and by appointment. On the other hand, there is no no accompaniment on Wednesday followingnoon, Friday followingnoon and Saturday morning but the computer equipment is freely accessible. In addition, an on-call service is provided by the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Simply make an appointment at France Services.

#Society #CorsicaduSud #Petreto #France #services #meets #users



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