Rising Concern: Possible Spread of Dengue Fever in Europe and USA

2023-10-07 19:32:00

On Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned of a possible spread of dengue fever in parts of Europe. The virus might soon become native to Europe.

Typically, mosquito species that transmit dengue fever are mainly found in tropical regions of Asia, South America and Africa. However, global warming is making new areas attractive to mosquitoes, says Jeremy Farrar of the WHO. In addition to southern Europe, the potential new distribution areas include parts of the USA.

According to “Spiegel”, the Asian tiger mosquito has also been at home in Berlin since last summer. Although it can transmit dengue fever, the risk of its spread is still low. Caring for dengue patients is time-consuming, warns Farrar and emphasizes the need for health systems to be well prepared.

Bangladesh recently experienced its worst outbreak on record, with more than a thousand deaths. There were protests in India once morest the Bengal government’s lack of protective measures.

#Dengue #fever #Europe



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