Mapuche communities once again rejected mega-mining and lithium in Río Negro

2023-10-07 11:37:48

Mapuche communities from the Southern Region – close to the mountain range – met last weekend in Mamuel Choique to expose the problem of mining explorations in the area and reject, once once more, mega-mining and lithium searches in Río Negro.

In a meeting in which members of the communities participated Nepun Curra, Río Chico, Fvta Anekon, PutrenTuli Mahuida, Carrilafken, Newen Ko, Mariano Epulef, Codeci, the Coordinator of the Mapuche Parliament and Assembly in defense of water and the territory of Wawel Niyeu, reiterated their rejection of mining exploration in the territory in which they live, as they have been expressing since last year when They closed gates in protest once morest the mining explorations that the Province had authorized.

In July, a ruling by the El Bolsón Court stopped mining explorations andn the region faced with a collective protection promoted by seven Mapuche communities, which demanded prior, free and informed consultation, as governed by current regulations. However, yesterday it became known that the case was appealed and the Attorney General, Jorge Crespo, With his opinion, he suggested to the Superior Court of Justice that it revoke the decision.

«Once once more, the Mapuche communities we feel the subjugation in our territorybecause the provincial state repeatedly violates the rights that assist us as an indigenous people, as established by international convention No. 169 of the ILO to which Argentina adhered, which consists of the right to prior, free and informed consultation that must be carried out prior to any activity that wants to be carried out in the territory of indigenous communities,” the communities expressed in a document released by the Mapuche Parliament.

They also pointed out that the communities “have experienced different situations such as encountering unknown people and foreigners who entered the territory to take samples of rocks and soil and leave marks without even telling the people. “This reflects the total and aberrant lack of respect for the population and the territory.”

They added that “since these permits were given, The families also began to have visits from both company representatives and officials of the provincial state that intimidate the
people so that they do not oppose the supposed ‘development’
. “The same strategy as always: money, promises of work, water collection, housing improvement, in exchange for the destruction of the environment.”

According to the Mapuche Parliament document, the objective of the explorations is lithium, which they consider part of the megamining “destructive, polluting and causes irreversible damage”and questioned that the supposed development that this mineral would bring “is not for us.”

“The Mapuche communities gathered in this trawn want life to continue in the territory, for it to continue to be a healthy environment, we want our animals and our families to continue drinking pure and clean water, we want it to be like this, now and for future generations” , they expressed.

The Mapuche communities called on the general population to unite in defense of water and territory.

#Mapuche #communities #rejected #megamining #lithium #Río #Negro



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