Controversy Surrounding Medical Consultation Rates and Its Impact on Healthcare

2023-10-07 03:40:00

October 7, 2023 – 00:40

Days ago, the new update in medical consultation rates was announced, remaining at $6,000 for specialist doctors.

In communication with El Ancasti, the president of the province’s Medical College, Dr. Mauricio Figueroa, referred to this new tariff and the difficult situation that the health sector is going through, “inflationary issues are detrimental to our work, it is not regarding A problem for doctors, it is a problem for health, for the population and for medicine in general. One of our functions is to regulate the ethical minimum, what that tariff or reference value will be and this will be adjusted according to the inflation index and cost of living; It seems that one imposes that amount arbitrarily but that is not the case.”

The professional also said that periodic updates must be worthy of medical work, “if medical work today is around $2,500 and $3,500 for 60 or 90 days, this deteriorates month by month and goes hand in hand with not being able continue providing that benefit.”

“I always focus on the quality of the service, because this leads to the doctor having what is called multiple employment, which means that sometimes they have to work in several places to maintain that income and is detrimental to the quality of medical care” , said. “That is what we see as a warning, this is a problem for all of us and medicine has to be recognized as such.”

On the other hand, Figueroa assured that this is not a political issue, nor a topic to talk regarding during pre-election times, “we proclaim regarding the health good that has to be provided to the population. There cannot be a medicine that has first class, second and third class type of care and this is a chronically dragging problem, what is happening is that we are reaching a bottleneck where we are going to have repercussions at all levels. ”, he warned.

“There are health providers who are doctors and who are also having a very bad time, I heard that there were demonstrations from people who have benefits in rehabilitation areas, is it possible that a psychopedagogue or any other health professional is not paid, or is he paid following 90 days?” said the president of the Medical College.

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#Medicine #recognized



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