2023-10-06 19:17:54
A iFixit had already released its analysis on the disassembly of the new iPhones, with a special focus on the 15 Pro Max, even giving them the same repairability rating. Today, however, they shared details of teardown do iPhone 15which shows much more than meets the eye.
That’s because they used a DSX1000 microscope, from Evident Scientific, to zoom in on some specific complexities of the iPhone 15 — as you can see in the incredible video below:
More than enlarging excessively on some components, they also compared some parts between the entry-level model and the top of the line, such as the main camera sensor — which, although it is 48 megapixels in both models, in the iPhone 15 it has a reduced size (2.0 micrometers) and, therefore, does not present the same performance when compared to the 2.44μm sensor in more expensive models.
Left: iPhone 15 Pro Max sensor. Right: iPhone 15 sensor.
They also commented on the implementation of the USB-C port, highlighting not only some already known details (such as the fact that the new port is compatible with USB 2 and not USB 3, as on the iPhones 15 Pro/15 Pro Max), but also that USB-C is more susceptible to damage in corrosive or high-humidity environments than the Lightning port.
Despite this, they said Apple has kept the port as a largely isolated modular component, so you can simply swap out the port if it fails. They also exempted the door from the strict piece-pairing regiment.
Furthermore, they pointed out the difficulty in pairing original parts between devices, which can cause problems in use and highlighted the possibility of repairing the lower microphone individually, as already disclosed.
Apple’s push for modularity, highlighted by the entry-level model’s design, is a positive step on an already good foundation. However, the challenge of parts pairing, the completely artificial barrier that hinders reconditioners and recyclers as well as everyday repairers, is still great.
As we said, the iPhone 15 (as well as the other models) obtained a score of 4 (out of 10) for repairability — but iFixit highlighted that this score might change according to Apple’s next measures.
iPhones 15 e 15 Plus
of Apple
Cash price: from R$6,569.10
Price in installments: from R$7,299.00 in up to 12 installments
Cores: blue, pink, yellow, green or black
Capabilities: 128GB, 256GB or 512GB
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