Unions, a fragile bulwark against the far right

2023-10-06 03:00:05

LDuring her first one-on-one meeting with Emmanuel Macron on August 29, Sophie Binet warned him. The new general secretary of the CGT insisted on the fact that “his action risked contributing to the coming to power of the National Rally [RN] in 2027 ». “By not taking into account the opinion of employee organizations, and the opinion, she added, according to her statements, many women and men will consider that there is no other alternative than Marine Le Pen. » Within the so-called “G8” inter-union association (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFTC, CFE-CGC, UNSA, FSU, Solidaires), which fought in vain to obtain the withdrawal of the pension reform, the failure was cruelly felt, and many fear the disaster scenario of a victory for the far right in the 2027 presidential election.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: “If the unions and the left are playing together, it’s because Marine Le Pen is on everyone’s minds”

For years, the unions have noted, during the presidential elections, a progression, which seems irresistible, in the vote of their sympathizers – like the popular electorate – in favor of the extreme right. In 2022, according to a Harris Interactive poll, Mme The pen garnered 31% of the votes among FO supporters (+7 points compared to 2017), 29% at the CFTC (+15), 22% at the CGT (+7), 19% at the UNSA (+5 ), 17% at CFE-CGC (+4), 15% at CFDT (+8), 14% at Solidaires (+1) and 10% at FSU (+1).

A result all the more paradoxical as the far right should act as a scarecrow as it has consistently displayed a hostility towards trade unionism which has its roots in the ideology of the Vichy regime. He had banned unions and promulgated the Labor Charter in October 1941, with the ambition of “break definitively with the old system of class struggle”. In 2007, the National Front (FN) program denounced unionism “misguided and dying (…)one of the major obstacles to the necessary reforms of French society”.

Debauched unionists

In 2017, as in 2022, Mme Le Pen advocated “a major reform of the unions”with measures worthy of the British conservative Margaret Thatcher: prior vote of employees for any work stoppage and ban on strike pickets. ” Trade unions, added Louis Alliot, RN mayor of Perpignan, in August 2022, are the undertakers of the economic and labor world, they are of no use. » And in October 2022, the RN tabled an amendment, rejected, to prohibit foreigners from running in professional elections. For its author, Laure Lavalette, MP for Var (RN), it was regarding“avoid any attempt at foreign interference or communitarian demands”.

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#Unions #fragile #bulwark



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