Maximizing Savings on Sickness Premiums: A Guide to Saving Money on Health Insurance

2023-10-05 18:04:07

Sickness premiums

Here are the ways to save money

Despite the marked increase in health premiums, a Comparis study shows that the savings potential is significant for many Swiss policyholders.

PublishedOctober 5, 2023, 8:04 p.m.

Savings can be made by changing model and health insurance.

20Min/Carole Alkabes

It is no longer necessary to remind us: the health premiums will increase considerably in 2024. That said, a study carried out by the price comparison site Comparis concludes that it is still possible to make significant savings for many Swiss. Thus, nearly 700,000 policyholders could save up to 50% of their premium. Particularly in Zug, where the increase is the most marked for adults at the national level. The parade consists of change health insurance for one of the five least expensive in its region, by increasing its deductible and changing the model.

Savings potential across French-speaking Switzerland

The maximum savings potential achievable in Lausanne is 41%, or 3106 francs. 80 for 2024. Thus, 1016 Lausanne residents with standard Philos insurance (without accident) can opt for the KPT health fund, switching to the HMO model: you can freely choose your primary care doctor and you benefit from a free medical consultation with Medi24 , without generating any franchise or co-pay costs.

The maximum savings potential achievable in Geneva is 46%, or 3954 francs. 30 for 2024. Thus, 855 Genevans with standard Avenir insurance (without accident) can opt for the Assura health fund, switching to the family doctor model: you must consult your family doctor first for any medical question.

The maximum savings potential achievable in Neuchâtel is 40%, or 3090 francs. 90 for 2024. Thus, 134 Neuchâtel residents with standard Mutuel insurance (without accident) can opt for the Helsana health insurance, switching to the family doctor model: you must consult your family doctor first for any medical question.

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The maximum savings potential achievable in Sion is 46%, or 2797 francs. 80 for 2024. Thus, 521 Sédun residents with standard Mutuel insurance (without accident) can opt for the Sodalis health insurance, switching to the Telmed model: policyholders must first call the medical hotline before consulting the doctor, except in the event of emergency, gynecological preventive examinations and ophthalmological treatments.

The maximum savings potential achievable in Friborg is 45%, or 3,018 francs for 2024. Thus, 311 Fribourgeoises with standard Philos insurance (without accident) can opt for the Concordia health fund, switching to the Telmed model: policyholders must first place call the medical hotline before consulting the doctor, except in cases of emergency, gynecological preventive examinations and ophthalmological treatments.

The maximum savings potential achievable in Delémont is 38%, or 2541 francs. 84 for 2024. Thus, 246 standard Assura policyholders (without accident) can opt for the CSS health fund, switching to the HMO model: you can freely choose your primary care medical practice.

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