Passengers receive the “best lunch box” with no condiments!Taxi driver: Don’t worry about getting more | Personal Finance | Industrial Economics

2023-10-06 01:33:03

The best bento

A few days ago, inhigh speed railScheduled service to a senior couple. Before getting on the bus, the passenger stated that he was going to burn incense at a nearby cemetery and would return to the high-speed train in regarding 20 minutes. He hoped that I might wait for him and he might give me some extra money. It would be okay.

I told the passenger: “It’s only 20 cents. It doesn’t matter if you don’t need to pay extra. Just charge according to the meter.”

After readily agreeing, I felt a little regretful, because I suddenly remembered that I had experience in the past. Passengers who went to the same place said they would return in twenty minutes, but they didn’t show up following waiting for more than an hour.

At that time, I had not been given the fare for the first trip, so I was faced with the dilemma of whether I wanted to leave or not. I can’t help but worry whether this time the passengers will be as dishonest as the passengers last time.

Fortunately, when we arrived at our destination, the passengers gave me 600 yuan in banknotes (the one-way fare was only over 200 yuan), and put the money with me first so that I wouldn’t have to worry regarding them running away.

Less than twenty minutes later, they finished offering incense and took my car back. I feel very lucky to have met very punctual and trustworthy passengers.

It happened to be lunch time on the return trip. Since there were not many lunch options on the high-speed rail, passengers asked if they might stop and buy something if there was anything to eat along the way.

“If there is Ikegamibox lunchThat type is better, but it doesn’t matter if it’s not available or too troublesome. Just go back to the high-speed rail. “passenger.

“I happen to know where it is. I’ll take you to buy it.” I said.

When buying a bento, the passenger asked me to bring one for me. I declined the offer, but the passenger still bought me a bento.

What’s more thoughtful is that during the previous greetings, the passenger knew that I eat relatively healthily, so he bought me a relatively healthy chicken bento, which touched me very much.

When I got off the bus, the amount on the meter jumped to 480 yuan because I had received 600 yuan in advance. When I was regarding to give them change, they said no.

“It’s rare to find a driver with such good service and willing to wait for us. Just keep the extra money!”

Originally I said there was no need to add money and I would charge according to the table, but I ended up being charged an extra 120 yuan plus a lunch box.

I think this confirms one thing:

Sometimes if you don’t care regarding it, you will get more; sometimes if you care too much, you will lose a lot invisibly.

Just like some people will bargain for a few copper coins. On the surface, they gain substantial profits, but invisibly they lose something that cannot be measured in terms of material. Such as other people’s trust in you; your status in the other person’s mind, etc.

I respect this couple from the bottom of my heart; not because of the 120 yuan tip or the thoughtful lunch, but during the short interaction, they fully demonstrated their respect for the taxi profession.

Don’t take the driver’s “waiting” for granted; let alone think that you are the one who spends money, the driver must unconditionally cooperate with any of their needs.

Although this bento has a light taste, it contains something that no seasoning can impart.smellthat taste is called “human touch”.

The human touch can only come regarding through good human interaction. This bento may seem simple, but it is the best bento I have ever eaten in recent times.

◎The content of this article has been obtained Wang Guochun-I’m just a taxi driver authorized,The original text is here; Reprinting without permission is prohibited.

Passengers receive the “best lunch box” with no condiments!Taxi driver: don’t worry regarding getting more

I respect this couple from the bottom of my heart; not because of the 120 yuan tip or the thoughtful lunch, but during the short interaction, they fully demonstrated their respect for the taxi profession.

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