They approve the ban on businesses in the place, what the owner of Sens said

2023-10-05 21:13:04

The bid to open the doors of the premises on Primeros Pobladores Street, where the Las Palmas bowling alley linked to the disappearance of Sergio Ávalos operated, in the early hours of June 14, 2000.3, seems to be coming to an end, at least from the parliamentary perspective. This Thursday, the councilors (present) at the session of the The Deliberative Council of Neuquén approved the draft ordinance that prohibits the commercial use of the corridor where the rented building is located to install “Sens”, a new bowling alley.

The green light in the treatment of the now ordinance was granted by thehe positive votes from Together for Change NCN, Together for Neuquén, Avanzar Descamisados, Movimiento Popular Neuquino, Movimiento Libres del Sur and Frente de Todos.

The regulations establish “prohibit in the Cm2 corridor (Mixed Corridor area) located on Primeros Pobladores street, the use of various nighttime commercial activities”. The portion of territory includes Primeros Pobladores Street (North) from the Roundregarding access to the city located to the East, to Saturnino Torres Street.

In the arguments, the ordinance highlights that due to the important commercial development located in the announced corridor, compatible with growth on an urban scale, the establishment of single family homes, residential use and the important entry and exit routes to the city, With respect to traffic, it is It is necessary to prohibit the authorization of recreational activities that take place in gastronomic establishments, gastronomic establishments with dancing activities, dance spaces, party halls and spaces for events with temporary structures.

Las Palmas: the word of the businessman following the ban approved by the Deliberative

Businessman Nicolas Vaamondewho made a million-dollar investment to open “Sens” spoke with Diario RÍO NEGRO and explained that the decision “does not affect him”. According to him, he commented, all the procedures he carried out “were prior to the processing of the ordinance.”

«I consulted with my lawyer and he explained to me that the law is not retroactive, they did not let me start the process in Commerce, But I do have the process started in private works and everything is part of the municipality,” he said.

Vaamonde also added that if the refusal continues he will evaluate “initiate actions not only once morest the municipality, but also once morest all councilors who do not allow it to work in an authoritarian manner.”

The businessman supports his position in two parts. The first in which the approved rule is part of an exclusive maneuver to prevent him from opening his business y the second, in that there are other establishments of the same category that operate in the municipal ejido that “do not require the same to function.”

Las Palmas: the dissenting vote ensures that the ordinance “affects legal security”

Consulted by this means, Camilo Echevarría of the Neuquén Integration Front (FRIN), defended his negative vote on the prohibition ordinance. “I consider that the rule affects legal certainty.”

«On the one hand, they ask the owner of the enterprise for all the documentation, they made him spend money and time, making him make plansenvironmental reports, sound, they ask for parking, all requirements that no other similar business characteristics they asked for and once you complete everything the rules of the game change,” explained Echevarría, who had anticipated his rejection of the prohibitory proposal.

Regarding the possible legal actions that Vaamonde tries to take, he explained that “It will be the owner’s problem with the municipality now, I estimate that perhaps he will even be able to ask for some type of compensation that, if it goes wrong sooner or later, the neighbors will end up paying for it.”

In his arguments, the councilor also highlighted that there are other dance venues that do not have the same demands.

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