Unraveling the Mystery at Memorial Hospital: A Gripping Tale of Tragedy and Deception

2023-10-05 04:02:00

“Danger in Disguise”

At Memorial Hospital, in the neonatal unit, Sage can’t believe Christian is dead. Nurse Stephens is sorry. Nick doesn’t understand, they were only gone for a few hours and Christian was breathing alone. Sage wants to see his son.

In the emergency room, Nikki tries to stay optimistic even though Victor and Billy aren’t there yet. Exactly, here they are. Nikki hugs Victor. He says Adam stayed in the tower to help someone. Victor is very surprised that Abby is not there even though he told her to get on the helicopter. She’s not here, neither are Ashley or Stitch.

In the tower kitchen, Abby tries to wake up her mother and Stitch. …

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