The Best Fruits to Include in Your Pre and Post-Workout Routine for Optimal Health

2023-10-04 23:37:41

Fruits are a group of foods of plant origin that provide great benefits to the body. Therefore, including them in the diet is vitally important to maintain optimal health conditions.

Some fruits such as apples are decisive in helping to control blood sugar. | Photo: Getty Images

The moment in which you decide to eat food affects the effects of the body. It is not the same to eat a fruit before or following carrying out physical activity. Likewise, it is essential to choose fruit when exercising.

Although it is clear, you have to know what you want the fruit to contribute to the body and its objective. The oxidative capacity and the contribution of fiber are the main factors to take into account, so attention must be paid to the glycemic index (GI) of the fruit, that is, the increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood as the result of consuming a food containing sugar compared to consuming a normal amount of glucose.

Fruits to consume before exercise

What you want before training is to have a good amount of nutrients that can be quickly transformed into energy. Also, it is necessary to have a reserve of antioxidants that repair tissues. For this, the most recommended fruits are red berries, which have a large amount of antioxidants and a low glycemic index.

Reference image of people exercising to increase their muscle mass. Photo: Getty Images. | Photo: Thomas M. Barwick INC

Fruits to eat following training

To replenish the body following physical wear and tear, it is necessary to increase the glycemic index a little. This does not guarantee a faster recovery, since you will continue to notice fatigue because the body has absorption limits, but what you can obtain with these fruits is a better recovery and without consequences such as, for example: intense soreness.

Melon is a fruit that is composed of vitamin C. | Photo: Getty Images

These nutrients are found in watermelon, dates are nutritious, raisins, ripe bananas and yellow melon.

It is important in both cases, before and following training, to take into account the daily consumption limits of each nutrient and integrate fruit into meals for regular maintenance of these benefits.

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