12 billion dollars by 2030 for the preservation of coral reefs

2023-10-04 19:00:01

45 countries have just committed to this project supported by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI). France, through its 8 Ultramarine communities, is home to 10% of the world’s reefs and therefore holds a great responsibility in terms of conservation and management.

S. Gilles • Published on October 4, 2023 at 3:00 p.m., updated on October 4, 2023 at 3:28 p.m.

Two axes were retained by the signatory states of this historic agreement. This first involves doubling the areas of coral reefs placed under protection. It is estimated that currently 60,000 km2 of reefs are the subject of an effective conservation policy.

Ultimately, 120,000 km2 will be placed under this regime. It will result in local and regional regulations in particular favoring the quality of coastal waters. It is also a question of organizing the control of sanitation water and discharges of chemical substances into the marine environment, the deleterious effect of which has once once more been documented by scientists from ANSES, theAgence National of Ssecurity SsanitaryAnutrition,Eenvironment and Travail.

For David Booth, professor of marine ecology at the University of Technology in Sydney, the first lever for improving water quality is all initiatives aimed at reducing the use of fossil fuels.
Climate change results in particular in a warming of ocean waters and their acidification. Two factors that accelerate coral bleaching.

In Guadeloupe for example, surface waters are currently 2 degrees warmer than normal and a significant bleaching episode is currently affecting Florida.

The other axis of the agreement will focus on catering. As it stands, around 10,500 km2 of reefs will be the subject of this type of operation.

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