Stay Informed: Key Developments in October Impacting Gas Prices, Savings, Social Benefits, and More

2023-10-04 18:58:07

Have you already learned regarding the new developments that are shaking up your daily life at the start of October? Between the increase in the ceiling of the popular savings account, changes in the price of gas or even changes concerning certain social benefits, it is essential to find your way to best adapt your budget. Let’s discover these developments together.

Gas and savings: two hot topics for your portfolio

The price of gas is changing. The famous “benchmark” price of gas, which fluctuates every month under the aegis of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), does not remain stable. From now on, prepare to pay 0.09324 euros (tax inclusive rate for an average kWh) for heating, and 0.11617 euros for hot water and cooking. This monthly variability has been a constant since the disappearance of regulated gas prices.

Savings is not left out with a substantial modification of the ceiling of the popular savings book. If previously it stood at 7,700 euros, it now peaks at 10,000 euros. With an attractive remuneration rate of 6%, it remains an attractive investment, well above the Livret A. If we consider that 9 million French people have such a livret, a question arises: why not you? Especially when we know that nearly 18 million might benefit from it.

Social benefits and food: changes to integrate

When it comes to social Security benefits, many households look forward to the annual adjustments. If you are a beneficiary of personalized housing assistance (APL), please note that this will be increased at the beginning of October. The reference ? The rent reference index (IRL) assessed by INSEE. With an increase of 3.5% in the second half of 2023, APLs will follow this increase, thus providing slight relief to those who benefit from them.

Another notable point for those who receive the allowance for disabled adults (AAH): deconjugalization is now effective. Clearly, the calculation defining the amount of this allowance will now be done without taking into account the spouse’s income. A major development for all current and future beneficiaries.

Finally, for lovers of a good baguette or wholemeal bread for breakfast, some information to chew on: the salt content of your bread will gradually decrease. Starting this month, expect so-called “common or traditional” breads to contain 1.4 grams of salt per 100 grams. For special breads, the rate is 1.3 grams and sandwich breads are now 1.2 grams per 100 grams. An initiative aimed at promoting better cardiovascular health for the population.

Faced with these changes, it is fundamental to stay informed to adapt your financial management, your consumption habits and anticipate the months to come.

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