???? A little chemistry for an innovation that will make noise in canteens

2023-10-04 11:00:06

The world of collective catering might well become calmer with the advent of silent tableware developed by “Quiet”, a Bordeaux start-up. This has in fact developed bi-material tableware in tempered glass and polymer (A polymer (etymology: from the Greek pollus, several, and meros, part) is a…) which no longer makes noise (In its common meaning, the word noise approaches the main meaning of the word sound….) by colliding. Cherry (The cherry is the edible fruit of the cherry tree. It is, following the strawberry, the most…) on the cake: this tableware is also non-slip and breaks less easily. Enough to improve the hearing comfort and working conditions of school canteen staff and other collective catering agents.
Image d’illustration Unsplash

To develop this tableware, the start-up called on the know-how of chemists from the Materials Engineering laboratory (A material is a material of natural or artificial origin that man shapes to…) polymers ( IMP, CNRS/INSA Lyon/Claude Bernard University). “Representatives from the start-up Quiet came to see us a few years ago. They knew that a layer of silicone glued to the back of the dishes would probably do the trick, but had no knowledge of these materials nor their adhesion (In physics, adhesion is the set of physico-chemical phenomena which…) to glass (Glass, in common language, designates a hard, fragile material or alloy…) ” explains François Ganachaud, research director at CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research, better known by its acronym CNRS, is the largest …) and expert in chemistry of polymers.

For scientists, the question quickly boils down to a problem of adhesion: “The coating had to not only stick to the support homogeneously, but also hold up to high temperature washing in a dishwasher” continues François Ganachaud. The formula chosen, the exact composition of which remains secret, involves self-adhesive silicones and a primary adhesion layer, and is intended to be irreproachable in terms of health.

The first series of silent tableware should join meal trays from next year.

#chemistry #innovation #noise #canteens



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