Childcare Crisis: Daycare Centers Closed Again and Workers Demand Solutions

2023-10-04 04:24:02

Daycare centers closed once more and workers out of breath. This morning, childcare workers and other employees in the early childhood sector are crossing their arms. They are demonstrating once morest the lack of staff. It is not the first time. A new demonstration is planned at the foot of Minister Bénédicte Linard’s office. An action which announces others.

We lack arms“. This, in summary, is the message from the early childhood sector. They have been crying out their dismay for months but without any real progress according to them. Calogero Morina is a CGSP union representative in La Louvière. There, the four municipal crèches are closed this morning.”A childcare worker who sometimes has to answer the phone, sometimes receive meals, sometimes answer parents’ questions; we have to manage all of this with reduced staff“.

Because the standard set by the ONE is one childcare worker for 7 children. A standard often exceeded, especially in the event of sick staff. And that has consequences. “This has consequences on the quality of care we offer these children.“, specifies the trade unionist. To this is added another problem. “It is not uncommon to find that a person who is part-time and who is OFF on these days is called back to come and remedy absences.“.

In La Louvière we proposed closing 30 minutes earlier in order to recover staff. Penetration savings which hide a larger problem according to the trade unionist. “There is a systemic funding problem. The responses provided to date have been insufficient. It’s a sector that needs to be given the attention it deserves“.

The early childhood sector will therefore make its voice heard once more this morning. Hoping for quick solutions. Another demonstration is already planned for October 20.

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