Controversy Surrounding Wind Turbines in Mollendruz Park: Insufficient Bird Protection Measures and Increased Clearings

2023-10-03 13:56:20

The investigation into the twelve wind turbines of the future Mollendruz park, on the crests of the Vaudois Jura, has raised a new series of oppositions. Several associations believe that bird protection measures are insufficient. They also regret that temporary clearings have “massively” increased.

The public inquiry into building permit applications ended on Monday. The procedure gave rise to numerous oppositions. “Last Thursday, more than a hundred had reached the three territorial communes, La Praz, Mont-la-Ville and Juriens,” explained Tuesday Roger Dupertuis, trustee of La Praz, who expects to receive “nearly 200 in all”, the same opposition can be sent to each of the three municipalities.

Opponents include Pro Natura, Helvetia Nostra and Paysage-Libre Vaud. The associations believe that the protection and compensation measures are formulated too generally and do not meet the requirements of the Federal Court (TF), they wrote on Tuesday in a joint press release.

Last October, the High Court rejected all appeals and validated the allocation plan procedure. But it had also set some requirements which are not sufficiently respected, criticize environmental defense organizations.

“Considerable freedoms”

Paysage-Libre Vaud believes that the investigation takes “considerable liberties”. The validation of the allocation plan procedure last October by the Federal Court (TF) opened the way for the wind turbines to be investigated. It is once morest this new stage that Paysage-Libre Vaud filed a new series of oppositions, she announced Monday.

>> Read also: The project of twelve wind turbines in Mollendruz is under investigation

For the association, the project under investigation “deviates significantly” from the Partial Allocation Plan (PPA). The chapter on the preservation of species and biodiversity suffers from “significant gaps”. Paysage-Libre Vaud also emphasizes that the choice of machines “is not final”, although it determines important parameters.

>> Listen also: A new opposition blocks the construction of the Mollendruz wind farm / The Time Journal / 1 min. / today at 08:02

Mortality of migratory birds

The TF also recognized that the Mollendruz ridge is particularly rich in birds. He ordered the developer to carry out additional measures and mitigate the impacts. The proposed measures are considered “insufficient”, because the risks of mortality remain significant for migratory birds and bats, the press release continues.

Another problem: temporary rights-of-way and temporary clearings have increased sixfold since the allocation procedure. Even if they are temporary, these measures generate a “considerable impact” on natural environments and the restoration must be specified, demand the associations.

Renewable electricity

The wind farm project is carried out by Énergie Naturelle Mollendruz (ENM), a company controlled by Zurich Industrial Services, the municipalities of Juriens, La Praz, Vaulion, Mont-la-Ville and Yverdon-les-Bains. ENM wishes to build twelve wind turbines on the crests of the Jura, between the Mollendruz pass and the Chalet Devant pasture.

The park should generate between 100 and 112 GWh of renewable electricity annually, which corresponds to the annual consumption of around 33,000 households. The work is planned from 2025, for commissioning by 2027.

In the canton of Vaud, wind turbines are currently under construction on the heights of Sainte-Croix. Their commissioning is scheduled for this fall. This will be the first wind farm in the canton of Vaud.


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