The Best Vitamins to Boost Immunity and Fight Infections

2023-10-02 12:27:24

03:26 PM Monday 02 October 2023

Written by: Hoda Abdel Nasser:

People usually need to take a good amount of vitamins that help strengthen the body’s health and boost immunity, so it is preferable for this to be done on a regular basis under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

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In the following report, Al-Consulto reviews the best vitamins to combat infections, according to WebMD.

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The best vitamins to fight infections

1- Vitamin A

The results of some studies have proven that vitamin A helps strengthen the immune system and protect once morest the chances of contracting diseases. Taking regarding 10,000 IU for a week or two contributes to speedy recovery from diseases. It is often easy to obtain vitamin A in a good proportion from some foods such as liver and fish oils. Milk, eggs, and leafy vegetables.

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2- Vitamin E

Vitamin E is characterized by containing a good amount of antioxidants necessary for a healthy immune system, which works to relieve any inflammation, including rheumatoid arthritis, in addition to controlling pain, in addition to some medications prescribed by the specialist doctor. It is found in good quantities in olive oil, almonds, and beans. Peanuts, meat, dairy products, leafy vegetables, and whole grains, but if large quantities are needed, it is best to consult a specialist doctor regarding vitamin E supplements to get the best results in a short time.

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3- Vitamin D

Vitamin D is considered one of the vitamins that people need most, because it contributes greatly to controlling pain and combating all types of infections that can occur in the body. It is preferable to obtain it from sunlight, fatty fish, and egg yolks, but one must be careful not to increase its percentage in the body. To avoid exposure to any health complications that may result from increasing its quantity.

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4- Vitamin K

Vitamin K works to prevent infections in the body to a large extent, and also strengthens the body’s immunity. It is found in good quantities in spinach, watercress, grapes, avocado, and eggs, but one must be careful not to consume it in excess to reduce any health complications such as kidney problems.

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