The Charismatic Experience of Charles de Foucauld and the Infant Sisters of Jesus: Seeking God, Witnessing the Gospel, and Embracing Hidden Life

2023-10-02 19:03:35

Pope Francis met with the nuns of the Infant Sisters of Jesus who were holding their 12th General Assembly at the Vatican and attributed the beginning of their congregation to V. The Pope told them that the charismatic experience of Charles de Foucauld was taken up by Magdalene Hutin and Anne Cadoret 20 years following his death.

C. Roubini Chinnapa9 CTC, Vatican News

The Pope explained in the light of the Gospel that describes the encounter with Jesus and the Samaritan woman (John 4, 5-42), who chose as the guide of their gathering that experience marked by the search for God, the witness of the Gospel and the love of the hidden life.

Seeking God

Saying that this is the most important thing, the Guru is waiting for them at the well of His Word, which is the living water that quenches the thirst of our desires. The Pope also reminded the nuns to cultivate the habit of sitting at his feet and listening adoringly, as Charles had done. In this way, the Pope said, hearts will be opened to the ways of God, which do not offend others. When Jesus gives his love, as he did to the Samaritan woman, the Pope exhorted those who take up the challenge of making life a gift.

Witnessing the gospel to the poor

Speaking of the second guideline, the Pope explained that the heart of their commitment is to give the gift of witness to the Gospel, by word and deed, by fraternal, prayerful and liturgical presence. V asked to shout the gospel from the roof. Recalling the words of Charles, the Pope asked them to make Jesus known from their whole personality and to dedicate themselves to others through prayer, goodness and example. Pope Francis underlined that this is necessary in times when the heart becomes hard and closed instead of increasing goodness in today’s prosperous world.

A love of hidden life

The Holy Father said that the love of life that is hidden in a society tainted by appearances is sharing the life of the humble by making oneself small. V. Inspired by the life of Foucauld, the Pope pointed out that to foster this as a powerful prophetic mission of our time and to remain hidden is the right way of God in a time polluted by “make-up culture”. The Pope called on them to be in a simple and generous love for Christ and the poor and thanked them for their silent work for the most marginalized in the Diocese of Rome.

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