10 Ways to Make a Homemade Ant Trap

2023-10-02 06:01:05

How to make an ant trap?

Is your house taken over by ants? Do not panic ! We have put together a list of grandmother’s tips for you to concoct your own repellents and traps to keep them away or eradicate them. To do this, experts give us their opinions on these products and their advice on how to use them better.

  1. Dishwashing liquid

Faced with an ant invasion in your home and especially in your kitchen, don’t panic! Jeremy McReynolds, an expert in pesticide application, explains for Martha Stewart magazine that there is no point looking any further because the solution to getting rid of these little invaders is in your hands. To degrease and polish your dishes, dishwashing liquid is a key product. But it has other uses including: keeping ants at bay.

  1. Mix 60 ml of dishwashing liquid with 1 l of water in a spray bottle;
  2. Spray directly on the ants or on the path these insects typically take. This repellent will erase all traces of pheromones that they leave behind and which serve as a signal for the rest of the colony to find their way (this is called the language of ants).

In this way, you will have eliminated the ants and covered your tracks to prevent others from entering your home.

  1. White vinegar

Fans of natural products, this remedy is for you! According to pest control expert Vincent Luca, white vinegar shows up more than once to save the day. The powerful scent of vinegar disrupts ant pheromone traces. So you will have understood! Just get rid of the first wave of ants to prevent others from finding their way back to your home. Vinegar alone is therefore enough to relieve you of these annoying little creatures. But for white vinegar to be more effective, mix it with other ingredients.


  • 250 ml of vinegar (apple cider vinegar and white vinegar are equally effective)
  • 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 cup of water

Preparation :

  1. To start, mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Mix gently until you have a homogeneous substance, then pour it into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the mixture liberally on the areas where ants pass through.

Once once more, this solution presents no danger to your health and perfectly respects our environment. (Attention!: remember that this recipe should only be used in cases of extreme necessity. Because the goal is only to keep the ants away and not to extinguish the species).

  1. Essential oils

There is no need to explain it to you anymore, ants hate strong odors. It is therefore a good idea to use the high concentration of smell of essential oils to ward off these invaders.


  • 8 drops of Peppermint essential oil
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 250 ml of water

Our instructions:

  • Fill a sprayer with water and essential oil;
  • We spray the areas frequented by ants and that’s it!

(You can also opt for bay leaf, cinnamon, clove or even tea tree essential oils for greater effectiveness.)

  1. Cinnamon

A classic that never disappoints! If you don’t use cinnamon essential oil, you can simply use the spice in its raw state. Get out your sprayer!

  1. Fill it with half a liter of water in which you will dilute two tablespoons of cinnamon;
  2. Close your bottle and shake it vigorously;
  3. Attack suspected areas!

Your ant spray is ready in no time. You are free to spray the mixture on the areas affected by the ant invasion.

  1. Boric acid and baking soda

A homemade bait box!


  • 200 g of sugar
  • 125 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of boric acid
  • ½ tablespoon baking soda
  • a plastic container with a lid

Preparation :

  1. Start by mixing all the ingredients in the container. (don’t forget the pinch of baking soda which will mask the smell of boric acid and make more ants fall into the trap).
  2. Once thoroughly mixed, poke several holes in the top of the container to allow ants access to your mixture
  3. Then place it in a place frequented by ants.
  1. Powdered sugar and baking soda

The purpose of this trap is to attract ants to a bait that does not only contain sugar.

  1. Mix two equal amounts of icing sugar and baking soda.
  2. Then add a good spoonful of honey, jam or spreads to attract a large number of ants.
  1. Ground pepper

Once once more, you have everything you need to prepare your ant repellent without resorting to chemicals. The solution is right before your eyes. Open your drawer and take out the pepper. This spice is irritating to the eyes and nostrils and even more so to ants. Simply sprinkle pepper on the areas they pass through. The unbearable smell of pepper will keep them well away.

  1. The talc

Talc, this seemingly soft powder, turns out to be a brilliant trick to prevent any intrusion of these creatures into your home. The drying properties of this powder will dehydrate the ants. They therefore instinctively move away from it. You can then create an effective and, above all, harmless barrier by drawing lines of talcum powder on window sills, door thresholds and other nooks and crannies. So, you will put an end to your discomfort with a little talcum powder and a lot of tact!

  1. Coffee grounds

Stop throwing it in the trash following making your coffee! Reserve your coffee grounds for multiple uses including a natural ant trap. Coffee grounds are acidic enough to deter ants from entering your home. You are free to place it in the places you want by dispersing it over the areas where ants pass through. (Remember to renew it quite often, because fresh coffee grounds are always more effective).

  1. Vinegar and dish sponge


Why do ants like the inside of my house so much?

You wonder why ants choose to enter your home and invade your kitchen! Because of the leftover food lying around. As soon as temperatures start to rise, worker ants get to work collecting as much food as possible, enough to survive the winter evenings. Yes! It wasn’t just a fable, unlike the cicada, the ant doesn’t spend the summer singing. So we start by cleaning and eliminating all sugary foods or at least locking them in airtight containers. No crumbs should be left behind! We do not exclude food for cats, dogs, etc. As long as it is edible, the ants are ready!

Can ants in my house bite me?

Carpenter ants or red ants can sting but only if they feel threatened by danger; they thus protect their colony. The ones hanging around your kitchen are often harmless black ants.

How to treat or relieve ant bites?

The ant bites that you may encounter should not worry you too much. They will tend to disappear on their own in a short time without necessarily needing treatment. However, there are some solutions to relieve these stings:

  • Some water : The skin should be cleaned with soapy water to relieve the sting.
  • Chamomile: Due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, chamomile can be of great help to you. soak a chamomile sachet in cold water and apply it to the sting.
  • Ice : The same goes for ice which also calms redness and itching. Simply place an ice pack on the irritated areas.
  • Aloe vera: Applying aloe vera gel to the stung areas will help relieve the itching.

How to overcome an invasion of these insects with a radical anti-ant tip?

The tips that we have presented to you so far have proven their effectiveness on several occasions. However, if you want to eradicate the entire anthill, there is another, more radical tip. Boiling water, and nothing more! Bring a pot of boiling water to a boil, then pour it over the colony. Be careful not to burn yourself! You can also use diatomaceous earth which will dehydrate the ants and eradicate them.

However, consider using less radical and less cruel methods to keep ants away…

#Ways #Homemade #Ant #Trap



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