Who won the presidential debate?

2023-10-02 04:52:00

The first of the two debates between the candidates for president of Argentina took place, where There were no big surprises or a clear winner.but more solid performances than others among Sergio Massa, Javier Milei, Patricia Bullrich, Juan Schiaretti y Myriam Bregman. In this way, the first reflection is that of this first edition We should not expect major changes in public opinion.

All the bullets were spent in Massa’s economy

One of the common patterns was bet on using all or almost all the possibilities of the right to reply in the first axis of the debate, under the economic slogan. Over there, the main target was Massawho found himself cornered by his competitors who sought to expose a “contradiction” between a presidential candidate for a government in which he currently plays the role of a “super minister” of Economy, with even more prominence than Alberto Fernández himself.

Has life improved for you since Massa is Massa’s minister? Surely not, if he doubled inflation and the dollar is at 800 pesos, this Kirchnerist government cannot be ignored,” was the summary made by Juan Schiaretti. Bullrich said the same thing, but with much less ease and moderation.

In a debate with confusing rules, the economy and human rights concentrated the hottest intersections between the candidates

Patricia Bullrich faltered in the economy

Precisely One of Bullrich’s weakest points was the one that has been mentioned for some time as its Achilles heel: the economic plan. The presentation of Carlos Melconian as her eventual minister was not enough for her to respond fluently to the queries, for example, from Javier Milei, who had to insist twice: “Bullrich, twice already escaped the question of how to lower inflation and answers the sarasa ‘comprehensive plan’. Here the question is what are you going to do with the Leliqs, which is a future monetary issue? I give him another chance to see if he answers it now.“.

Patricia Bullrich.

Bullrich’s response showed her to be more cornered because instead of responding specifically, she told him “He’s not going to tell me what I have to say“. And he continued to emphasize the problem of the fiscal deficit generated by Kirchnerism.

The economic problem is not only the most prominent in all the surveys but it is also the one that can move the ammeter of the electorate: Massa, with all the crisis he faces and the initial uncomfortable moment between the questions of his management, was able to sneak in the announcement of some measure such as digital currencyand had a more solid presentation that benefits it in that axis in the face of the race for second place (the one that puts him in an eventual runoff once morest Milei) that he has with the JxC candidate.

It should also be noted that Massa took the opportunity to ratify his proposal for a “government of national unity” and even called on Milei’s liberals to join the ruling party.. It was when Milei reproached him for joining radical leaders, and denied him any type of connection with his family.

Patricia Bullrich’s night: her team celebrates Milei with Barrionuevo and Massa with Insaurralde for the chicanes

The Marbella scandal went unnoticed in the debate

The issue with which they did not bother Massa much was the scandal of Martin Insaurralde on top of a luxurious private yacht in the Mediterranean Sea, in the middle of the crisis, accompanied by the star Sofía Clerici, who also admitted dating Daniel Scioli. Only Myriam Bregman and Patricia Bullrich mentioned it in a short passage of their speeches, but they did not seek to confront or ask Massa directly regarding this issue.

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Sergio Massa.

Bregman hit first and stood out, but then disconnected

The FIT candidate was the one who hit first and managed to become a trend on the networks when He told Milei that “he is not a lion, he is a cuddly kitten of economic power.”

Beyond that, he hit Massa for being the one who agreed to the IMF’s requests to devalue, and showed a very well articulated speech. Even many communication experts highlighted his gestural work. Nevertheless, Their agenda at times was very disconnected from that of the debate among the rest: He spoke to Schiaretti regarding Menemism from 30 years ago and to Bullrich regarding repressions by María Eugenia Vidal’s administration, and he wasted his reply to Milei regarding the illegal repression during the dictatorship.

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Myriam Bregman.

Schiaretti showed moderation and coherence but abused references to Córdoba

In the case of the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, he managed to make his speech explicitly directed towards the interior of the country, with questions regarding the differences that favor the AMBA, and promised federalism under its own national government. He was solid in terms of communication, similar to Massa.

Massa: “Insaurralde has to resign from the candidacy in Lomas”

Schiaretti was not the target of strong criticism either, since his campaign consists of not getting involved in the internal disputes between the ruling party and the opposition (the crack). But your constant allusion to what he did in Córdobaand to present their ideas always with an anchorage specifically in Córdoba, they did so until target of memes on social networks. The governor’s ideas and proposals might not avoid always mentioning his province.

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Juan Schiaretti.

Milei, much more content

It is clear that Milei’s victory in the PASO and the poll forecasts in general show him as the one who has much more to lose than the rest, since he is the one would be guaranteed to reach a second round and even some of their own say that they are close to winning in the first round.

Accustomed to seeing himself as more verbose and irascible, This version of Milei was much more contained, without outbursts. Definitely sought to polarize with Massa, although without low blows. His strongest phrase was when he spoke of “There were not 30 thousand missing, there were 8753″ in the last military dictatorship.

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Javier Miley.

The only moment where he seemed to go further off script was when Bullrich accused him of shouting on television that classes not be released during the pandemic, something that many highlighted as a possible confusion with other candidates. Milei made faces that she mightn’t believe it, she smiled, and later she confronted Bullrich regarding the economic issue, where Melconian and his team sought in recent weeks to counteract him for his idea of ​​dollarizing.

The most illustrative point of Milei’s dialogic facet was when He asked Schiaretti to join the ranks of LLA during his government.


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