The pharmaceutical industry is recruiting – In the news

2023-09-29 12:25:17

September 29, 2023

From October 2 to 6, the second edition of the pharmaceutical industry careers week will be held. The opportunity to look at the 150 professions in this sector. From production, to digital, including research, 10,000 recruitments are recorded each year, throughout France. Throughout the week, numerous events will take place in the region to present the sector and its professions.

Les Entreprises du Médicament (Leem), in partnership with Pôle Emploi and the HandiEM Association, have joined forces to present the pharmaceutical sector from October 2 to 6. “ We want to get as close as possible to the audiences concerned », explains Arnaud Chouteau, employment/training director at Leem. Young people in school, students, apprentices, job seekers, employees undergoing retraining, people with disabilities, etc.

Tension at all levels

« We have made the following observation: it is increasingly difficult for us to recruit in the pharmaceutical industry », explains Arnaud Chouteau. “Almost all professions are concerned: research and development, production, quality. But also new professions, particularly in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, biotechnologies…”

Make professions known

How to explain such a situation? “France has a much lower unemployment rate than 5-6 years ago. As a result, we are faced with much greater competition between different industrial sectors. And we also face a talent shortage because on the one hand there is a lack of anticipation at a general level and on the other hand because the professions in the pharmaceutical industry are not necessarily very well known. This is why we work both in the short term, with the establishment of partnerships with Pôle Emploi, APEC and even field structures. But also in the long term to make our professions known by going directly to young people, in schools, colleges, high schools and universities. »

A week full of events

And this week should allow us to focus on both sides, the short and medium term. With the program: forums, job dating, career discovery tours, webinars, company visits, open days, meetings with students… So many events which will take place throughout France, on the all territories. “ The program is intended to be particularly rich. With, for example, open days in our training centers in Dreux, Bordeaux, Chartres, or even in Alsace. But also a forum in Lyon, job dating in Clermont-Ferrand, in Lille. » In total, more than 60 events will take place from October 2 to 6 in virtually every metropolitan area.

To find out everything regarding the Week for the diversity and attractiveness of professions in the pharmaceutical industry, you can quickly identify via an interactive map all the events organized in your region via this link:

Employment in pharma in figures

The pharmaceutical industry accounts for 103,000 jobs. Last year this sector recruited 14,000 people. And the needs are immense for the coming years, with in particular nearly 10,000 positions open by 2030 in biotechnology and 5,000 in digital technology by 2026.

  • Source : Interview with Arnaud Chouteau (Leem), July 2023

  • Written by : Emmanuel Ducreuzet – Edited by: Dorothée Duchemin

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