The IGBO welcomes 80 young comrades from General Körner’s retirement class

2023-10-01 11:09:30

Congratulations on earning your bachelor’s degree and being promoted to lieutenant!

Vienna (OTS) The ceremony on Friday and today’s joint acceptance into the ranks of the Federal Army with militia officers will certainly remain fondly remembered by all of them, like all of their predecessors, until the end of their service.

The Interest Group of Career Officers (IGBO) has been fighting for more than thirty years to ensure that the academic qualifications of graduates of the Theresian Military Academy are recognized.

During a meeting with Federal Minister Magistra Tanner at the beginning of her term of office, she was informed regarding the non-recognition of academic degrees for military service officers. She then determined that this might be unequal treatment.

The IGBO has now obtained a legal opinion that clearly confirms the initial assessment by Federal Minister Magistra Tanner and urgently recommends that this unequal treatment be remedied.

The IGBO therefore calls on the Federal Minister, the Vice Chancellor Mag. Kogler and the Federal Chancellor Mag. Nehammer to quickly eliminate the unequal treatment of the officers of the Federal Army that has been identified and is also offering personal discussions on detailed questions.

Dr. Siegfried Albel, retired fruit
President of the IGBO

Questions & Contact:

Interest Group of Career Officers (IGBO)
Oberst i.R. Dr, Siegfried Albel
President of the IGBO

#IGBO #welcomes #young #comrades #General #Körners #retirement #class



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