“Cuddly kitten of economic power”, “Platita Plan” and “13% of retirees”: the most spicy intersections of the Debate

2023-10-02 01:18:38

The first Presidential Debate in Santiago del Estero between Sergio Massa, Javier Milei, Patricia Bullrich, Juan Schiaretti and Myriam Bregman left strong disagreements in each of the candidates’ speeches.

Most of the crossings took place between the requests for the right to reply throughout the presentations and the first was the candidate of the Left Front, Myriam Bregman, when following listening to Milei’s analysis of the economy, she told him that ” is not a lion” but “a cuddly kitten of the financial caste.”

Another tense moment was when the candidate of Together for Change, Patricia Bullrich, asked the candidate of Unión por la Patria and Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, to explain: “How can you be a good president if you are a bad minister?” “You increased taxes, and then you want to make a criminal law? Take it to Insaurralde. You did everything wrong, you doubled inflation, the dollar. Do you want to tell us that as president you are going to be different from what you do now?

Later, Massa pointed out Milei’s economic ideas: “The fate of SMEs is doomed if this man assumes the presidency.” Given this, Milei once once more asked for the right to reply and increased the discussion with Massa: “Why don’t you tell me regarding the fiscal disaster they are making with the paid plan. How nice everything he says sounds, it’s a shame he can’t do it if inflation doesn’t go down. We are on the verge of hyper, because instead of the fairy tale he doesn’t tell us what he is going to do with it.”

In the middle, Bregman pointed out once morest the “story” of the ruling party: “Massa hides that he guaranteed the agreement with the Monetary Fund in Congress, he gave the devaluation that the fund requested, and the budget that he sent for next year “He already tied it to the IMF. He already signed that we are all going to be a little poorer. There is no sovereignty with the IMF’s boot on our heads. Data kills stories.”

Milei took the microphone once more and took the opportunity to respond to the “cuddly kitten” phrase: “I recently presented a letter to stop the shady hiring that the government is making. And my former boss fell. Look, look what a kitten.”

Juan Schiaretti also took the opportunity to hit the minister: Has your life improved since Massa is minister? He doubled inflation, the dollar from 240 to 800. He cannot ignore it, he is the head of this government. “The only thing Massa has done is bring Argentina to the brink of hyperinflation.”

Then, in response to the economic criticism of Minister Massa from all the candidates, he chose to respond that they were “Swedish paratroopers.” “The truth is, I listen to you and I think I am debating with Swedish paratroopers. One who defends the interests of his former bosses in Congress, defends the AFJP because he worked in the AFJP, the other who did not even make a mea culpa, like we did, of the errors of your government. We are going to a much more progressive tax system, we are going to continue lowering the VAT for all workers, we are going to lower more taxes such as profits. We are going to put on the table what the benefits of companies are. that they steal almost 4 and a half points of GDP with the protection of some sectors of politics.

In one of the few intersections between Milei and Bullrich, the candidate of La Libertad Avanza fired at the JxC economic team: “He says that he is going to lower inflation, but he did not outline any measure to lower inflation. He has blackmail from economists who do not “They say nothing regarding what they are going to do with the Leliqs and the Central Bank.”

The one who also took advantage of the wave to question Bullrich was Massa, when he reminded her of her time as De la Rúa’s Minister of Labor and applied a cut to retirees, just as he slipped the idea that to Melconian, Bullrich’s candidate for Economy Minister , they would fire him in the middle of the government as happened with the economic officials during the Macri government: “I want to ask if, regarding two years ago, or like two years following they took over the government, halfway through they are going to fire Melconian as they fired him from Banco Nación. The second thing: the decision of the split that they propose with bimonetarism is copied from the model of Venezuela or Cuba, which are the two countries that today have that system. I also want to thank Patricia, because she allowed one of the greatest satisfactions of my life: she talks regarding the retirees, but it was my turn to see the smile of the retirees when I had to return the 13% that she deducted.

When moving on to the topic of Education, Bullrich fired at Massa: “What you are saying has nothing to do with what is happening in the country. Millions of children without classes, you are allied with the unions, not on the side of the children “If Sarmiento saw what was happening, he would give them a zero and send them to March.”

Likewise, Bregman also charged once morest Massa: “They talk regarding the present state, and they cannot put a stove in every classroom.”

Bullrich also chose to question Milei: “During a pandemic, you shouted on television that schools should not open because we were going to get infected.”

JD /

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