Ivory Coast: kick-off of the new cocoa season

2023-10-01 22:00:56

In Ivory Coast, it was the most anticipated event of the Agricultural Show, launched last Friday for a week: the launch of the new 2023-2024 coffee-cocoa season. With, above all, the announcement of the new farm gate price of cocoa, eagerly awaited by growers.

From our correspondent in Abidjan,

In front of an audience hanging on his lips, the Minister of Agriculture, Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, kept the suspense going until the end of his speech. Because it’s a figure that everyone was waiting for: the guaranteed price for farmers per kilogram of cocoa for the new season.

« Hold on tight! The fermented kilogram, well dried and well sorted, is 1 00 CFA francs », Declares the minister to applause. “ From 900 francs, today we are at 1 000 francs. If you see correctly, around 210 billion francs are added to farmers’ income. »

All the players in the sector were represented, and some planters expressed their joy, such as Assata Doumbia Koné, who was delighted by the rise in cocoa prices on world markets, linked to poor harvests in West Africa. . “ In my field, production has actually decreased. I think it’s supply and demand… For us, that’s what we’re looking for. The price is really good for this campaign »

“Why two different prices? We are threatened…”

An opinion that Maurice Sawadogo does not share. This coffee-cocoa producer near Abengourou, in the east of the country, in a village located 18 kilometers from the border, hoped to see Ivory Coast align with Ghana’s prices.

« It is on the same international market that both countries sell. The two countries are in contact, they are working [ensemble] on the cocoa initiative “, he explains. “ Why two different prices? We are threatened… With climate change, with diseases and others. And I’m sorry we don’t take the producer into account. It is a price that should go once morest poverty in rural areas. This price cannot get them out of poverty “, he laments.

During the ceremony, the general director of the Coffee-Cocoa Council, Yves Brahima Koné, also warned once morest “the border fraud “, that is to say the sale of cocoa from Côte d’Ivoire outside its territory. “ On this point, I would like to denounce the compatriots who have chosen their personal interests to the detriment of their country, our dear Côte d’Ivoire. We will be uncompromising to dismantle these criminal organizations “, he warns.

The price of coffee was set at 900 CFA francs per kilo, or 150 CFA francs more than the last campaign.

#Ivory #Coast #kickoff #cocoa #season



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