Preventing Dementia: Tips for a Healthy Mind and Body

2023-10-01 14:45:00

The Term dementia comes from Latin and means something like “without spirit”. This already describes one of the most common features of the insidious disease – namely Deterioration or loss of mental abilities. To prevent it from getting that far, there is now information regarding what you can do to prevent it to prevent illness. We have some of the Tips for you compiled.

What is dementia and how does it manifest itself?

“It’s dementia much more than a memory disorder“, that’s how it is written Federal Ministry of Health. “As it progresses, there is also an increasing impairment of attention, language, comprehension and thinking skills as well as orientation.” Dementia as a disease So change a person not only in his thinking, but in his entire being. The frightening thing: Up to 90 percent of dementia diseases are irreversible. This is precisely why it is so important to take preventive measures early in life.

Die The causes are diverse, according to the Federal Ministry of Health. For example, there are dementias due to other underlying diseases how metabolic diseases arise, or so-called “vascular-related” dementias, in which the brain no longer receives an adequate blood supply and nerve tissue dies. High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and smoking can contribute. The Alzheimer’s disease Incidentally, I make regarding 65 percent of them irreversible forms of dementia out of. Changes also occur in the brain. Possible warning signs According to the Federal Ministry of Health, these are Forget recent events, Difficulty with usual activities, Speech disorders, waning interest in popular hobbies or contacts or even that Misjudgment of dangers. One thing is certain: one early diagnosis can prevent something worse from happening.

Actually find it the first changes in the brain according to one Specialist article from NDR 20 years before the outbreak the disease takes place. This is certainly one of the reasons why the neurologist and geriatrician Johannes Trabert Interview with advises, from the age of 30 to start taking precautions. “Although you can’t influence all factors, genetic factors for example, studies have well proven that you can can help reduce forgetfulness in old age“, he explains. But what does this contribution, this provision, look like according to him?

Prevention through exercise, healthy eating and an intact social life

First, Trabert advises regular physical and mental exercise. In particular Endurance sports and dancing not only have a positive effect on chronic brain damage and memory functions, but also improve the brain’s ability to change. Exercise also helps send fresh blood to the brain, which… According to the experts, it promotes health NDR. Also interesting: they are currently researching one in Dresden Program of coordination exercises, which promotes “body, mind and soul” at the same time and is also intended to help once morest dementia risks such as depression and stress. So one thing is certain: exercise helps. And what that Brain training concerns, suggests expert Trabert small, necessarily varying brain teasers and memory tasks in everyday life.

Book tip: ‘The Nutrition Docs – Anti-Aging for the Brain: How the right diet keeps us mentally fit for longer’ – watch directly here

Sure, we all know that nutrition plays a big role in our health. But did you know that the… Proper nutrition can also prevent dementia? “There is consensus at the Mediterranean diet“, explains Trabert regarding his second tip. “That doesn’t mean pizza and spaghetti, but rather lots of vegetables and olive oil, tends to be low in meat and more fish.” Furthermore, Vitamin B12 particularly important for a healthy memory. However, the neurologist emphasizes that this should only be supplemented with preparations if there is a deficiency and medical advice. So it’s best to leave yours on a regular basis Test blood for possible nutrient deficiencies.

Thirdly, the expert explains that Social isolation and loneliness have been shown to promote forgetfulness. As an option, he recommends getting one Looking for volunteer work, if there aren’t too many social contacts otherwise. “This not only has a positive effect on brain performance, but also on mood,” he says. “Another positive effect is the contacts you make through volunteering.” What is important is your own Keeping your social life intact throughout your life.

Conclusion: Preventive measures can be easily integrated into everyday life

In addition to these tips, according to the experts at NDR aside from that Managing stress and getting enough good sleep appropriate preventive measures. On the latter, Prof. Dr. Lutz Frölich, head of the geriatric psychiatry department, in one Article from AOK: “During sleep, harmful metabolic products are disposed of that can promote dementia. That’s why one A restful night’s sleep is an important factorto prevent the disease.”

Ultimately, four preventative measures can be summarized: physical and mental exercise, healthy eating, social contacts and enough sleep. These measures seem to show that the disease, once it has occurred, can have such a major impact on our brain easy to implement and integrate into everyday life.

Finally, the expert Johannes Trabert mentions in the interview: “Besides, it is important to feel gratitude and to keep reminding yourself of the positive things in your own life.” As the researchers in Dresden have also recognized, there seems to be one healthy soul is not insignificant for a healthy brain.

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