Slovakia Congressional Election Results: Direction Party Wins, Progressive Slovakia Defeated – Analysis and Implications

2023-10-01 16:31:43
2023-10-01 13:03 Compiled by Lu Silun/Real-time report from United Daily News

CNN reported that Slovakia held a congressional election on September 30, local time. The Statistics Bureau announced the preliminary vote count results on the morning of the 1st. The pro-Russian party “Direction Party” headed by former left-wing Prime Minister Robert Fico (SMER) won the election with 23.3% of the votes. Since it did not win the majority alone, the Directional Party will have to cooperate with other small parties to form a government.

Currently, 99% of the votes are being counted, and the Progressive Slovakia party, a liberal pro-Ukrainian party, received 17% of the vote and was defeated miserably.

Although the Direction Party did not win an overwhelming victory, the results exceeded expectations. In the exit polls released earlier, the Direction Party and the Progressive Slovak Party formed a tug of war.

As for the “Voice-Social Democratic Party” (Hlas), which split from the Direction Party due to internal disputes, it ranked third with 15% of the vote.

With seven political parties reaching the 5% threshold required to take control of the National Assembly, it is imperative to form a government through agreement, and the process may be long and confusing.

The results of the Slovak general election are out. The Direction Party won the election with 23.3% of the vote, while the rival Progressive Slovakia Party won 17%…

During the election campaign, Fico announced that he would stop aiding Ukraine. Now that Fico and his “Direction Party” are in power, Slovakia’s diplomatic direction will change. It does not rule out joining Hungary and opposing the EU’s opinion on aiding Ukraine.

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Further reading

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