Opponents want Insaurralde to do judicial tourism: they denounce him for alleged illicit enrichment

2023-10-01 14:02:46

The scandal that cost Martin Insaurralde His resignation from the head of the Buenos Aires Cabinet, following the model Sofía Clerici uploaded photos to her networks of both of them strolling on a luxurious yacht in the Mediterranean and carrying expensive gifts, is far from being exhausted with the departure of the official. Members of Together for Change anticipated that they will denounce the official for the alleged crimes of “illicit enrichment and money laundering.”

“I will denounce @minsaurralde for illicit enrichment and money laundering. HIS RESIGNATION IS NOT ENOUGH. We demand that he, Kicillof and Massa explain how he paid for that ostentatious trip with a public official’s salary,” confirmed this weekend the deputy Ricardo Lopez Murphy through X (ex Twitter).

The JxC candidate for national senator will also be added to the complaints, Maria Eugenia Talericothrough the lawyer Marcos Gómez Marín, with the same objective as López Murphy: for Justice to put Insaurralde’s finances under the magnifying glass.

As it became known, there were already complaints being prepared once morest the now former chief of Kicillof’s Cabinet of Ministers, following rumors emerged that Insaurralde had paid the host Jésica Cirio in his divorce. a large dollar figure.

“We decided that this Monday it was going to be presented on that topic, and now this is going to be incorporated, not only for alleged illicit enrichment like the one we are seeing, but also for alleged money laundering“added Talerico in dialogue with FM Metro 95.1.

Martín Insaurralde resigned as head of the Buenos Aires Cabinet following the photos with Sofía Clerici

The senatorial candidate maintained that “in order to pay and make these movements There must be structures that Insaurralde must be using“.”It is clear that he cannot appear in the first person because he is a politically exposed person,” he explained.

“We are deciding whether to do it in local justice”Talerico clarified and pointed out that “There is one made by the lawyer Enrique Avogadro” and they must consider whether they are added to the complaint already made or whether they are presented on their own before a Federal Judge.

Trying to do damage control, Kicillof “immediately” accepted the resignation presented by Insaurralde

Furthermore, he reproached that “the judicial protection of these people is constant” and concluded: “It is difficult when one sees that financial information is co-opted by structures that respond to Máximo Kirchner.”

In the middle of the campaign, Sofía Clerici whitewashed her romance with Martín Insaurralde in the Mediterranean
The photo that Sofía Clerici posted and then deleted was a missile to Buenos Aires Peronism.

As mentioned, this complaint might be added to the one presented by the lawyer Enrique Avogadro following the divorce controversy and the complaint filed before the federal court of Lomas de Zamora by the lawyer is also added Gaston Marano for the crime of tax evasion.

The complainant points out that “in order to pay and make these movements there must be structures that Insaurralde must be using” and that “it is clear that he cannot appear in the first person because he is a politically exposed person.”

Talerico considered that “the possible classification of money laundering might lead us to federal justice” since, as he said, “we knew of properties such as, for example, that it has an office in Arroyo and Suipacha.” For the Senatorial candidate “the judicial protection of these people is constant.”

“I suppose we will have to go to UFI 6 of La Plata, or the Federal Judge of Lomas, but we want to know how he left the country, who paid all those expenses, ships, planes…”, admitting that “it will be difficult when one sees that “The financial information is co-opted by structures that respond to Máximo Kirchner.”


#Opponents #Insaurralde #judicial #tourism #denounce #alleged #illicit #enrichment



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