Taking Care of Women’s Health: From Breast Cancer to Mental Well-being

2023-10-01 11:45:00

Key Point :

One of the leading causes of death The number one cause of cancer among Thai women is breast cancer, followed by cervical cancer. At the same time, in the current context that fewer women are getting married This results in spending more on taking care of yourself and your health. However, to be healthy at any age You must regularly check your health and be aware of abnormalities in your body. Both physical health and mental health

Thailand, data from the Central Registration Office clearly indicates that the populationwoman There has been a higher proportion than men in the past several years. In 2022, there were approximately 1.59 million more women than men. Nowadays, women are taking better care of their health and taking care of themselves. One of the factors is the declining marriage rate. This causes income spent on other areas to decrease. and use it more on yourself. However, having good physical health Must be combined with Good mental health too.

Dr. Panlada Chanthasartrasamee, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Obstetrics and Gynecology Center Vimut Hospital Speaking at the opening event of ‘The Power of Woman’ campaign, he stated that the best health care is taking care of women’s physical and mental health from childhood, adulthood, all the way through.Menopause Which not only helps to have good health in the long term. But it can also help prevent disease. By taking care of health according to 3 main age groups:

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1) Childhood before menstruation

It is recommended to eat all 5 food groups and exercise regularly. Promote appropriate development for each age group. In addition, it is recommended to receive vaccines that Thai children should receive according to the recommendations of their doctors.

2) reproductive age or the age of menstruation

When reaching the appropriate age It is recommended to check internally. Get screened for cervical cancer and breast cancer regularly. Importantly, you should observe abnormalities in the body. If abnormalities are found, you should consult a doctor immediately.

“Nowadays, more women are working. I rarely have time to take care of myself. Some people haven’t had their period for 6 months, so you should check yourself regularly. Palpate your breast every month. Observe menstruation. In addition, women around the time of menstruation Physical symptoms can be found in many forms. Initially, it is recommended to Try to adjust yourself, your thoughts, your emotions, and exercising regularly will help reduce symptoms. But if the symptoms are severe It is recommended to consult a doctor. There are drugs to help.”

3) Menopause

This age requires a health check every year. Including regular internal examinations. Importantly, you should look out for warning signs before menopause, such as irregular menstruation, easily irritated, hot flashes, loss of sexual desire, etc. in order to be aware of yourself. Tell it to those close to you to understand. and dealing with physical and mental changes

“When you start to enter menopause Nearing the end of menstruation There will be signs of emotional and physical signs of menstruation coming or not. This group of patients will come to see the doctor quite a lot. Initially, you may need to adjust exercise, meditation, and diet. Most of the symptoms will last no more than 1-2 years and will get better, but there are some cases where symptoms are severe and may require medication to help.”

The body is good, the mind must be good.

In addition to physical illness Mental healthIt is another important problem for women. The Department of Mental Health reveals that 1.5 million Thai people aged 15 years and over are suffering from depression. Currently, the number of depressed patients in Thailand is increasing. The World Health Organization points out that females are 2 times more likely than males to have this disease because females are the gender that experiences more hormonal changes than males. Both during menstruation Pregnancy period as well as postpartum depression Women also have to face social expectations and family problems.

Dr. Penchaya Atiwannaphat Doctor who specializes in psychiatry Heart Health Center Wimut Hospital reveals that mental health is no different from physical health that should begin to be taken care of from childhood until adulthood. There are 4 techniques for every woman to easily implement as follows:

The first step is to stop thinking negatively, think positively, try to look at the good side of things. It helps us to be conscious in managing obstacles and problems.

Second, stop comparing yourself to the people around you. Because everyone has different lives. Each person’s happiness and suffering differs as well. Including being mindful in using social media that may make us feel bad regarding ourselves without realizing it.

The third step is to choose good friends and people around you who are ready to listen. some problems Just having someone listen and give encouragement. It will help us feel better.

The fourth step is to choose to create happiness for yourself. With activities you like to relax from daily fatigue and stress.

Take care of your mental health at 3 ages

Dr. Penchaya further said that There are many mental diseases. Some diseases are equally affected by women and men, such as bipolar disorder, while depression Women are found to be 2 times more likely than men. What follows is the danger of attempting suicide, with women making more attempts. But men are more likely to succeed in committing suicide because they use more violent methods.

1) Childhood before menstruation

For children’s mental health, the main thing is to take care of development, autism, and what is often found at 5-7% is ADHD. This means that in a classroom with regarding 40-50 children, there will be regarding 2-3 children with ADHD. people, which will follow Having academic problems. Some people have a good IQ and appear to be smart children. But when learning to spell words and add incorrect numbers, the truth is that women and men are not very different. But there may be slightly different symptoms. ADHD has 3 main symptoms:

Disoriented, unable to concentrate, irritated, unable to wait, restless

Girls tend to wander out of the window and are more distracted, while boys tend to be more restless. Impatient, can’t wait When girls are not naughty but are absent-minded, it makes us not realize this. Therefore, if a child is absent-minded, Finishing work slowly, being forgetful, having to buy a new pencil every week must be noticed.

“Parents may need to coordinate with the school. Because most of them are caused by many factors, such as being raised in an indulgent way. But if a child has this kind of behavior in many places, such as at home, at school, on the playground, or in a special class, if you notice that your child is more mischievous than his or her age, Or the teacher says that your child is the naughtiest in the class. Maybe take him to see a doctor first.”

2) reproductive age or the age of menstruation

For women of menstruating age There may be abnormal symptoms that occur before menstruation or PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). In general, there may be hot flashes. Not just mood swings But the body fluctuates. You may eat a lot and feel palpitations when it’s close to that day of the month. Stimulants must be avoided. Prepare yourself, take care of your body, eat, and exercise. If you know that you like stomach pain and irritability. You may need to carry medicine. try to stretch There is a hot water bag, listening to music, talking with friends. You don’t have to wait until that day of the month, but you can take care of it every day.

For working age groups Especially women whose roles have changed more and are more like working women when compared to the society of the past. Stress is increasing. Wimut Hospital has a large number of Gen Z and Gen Y patients of all genders. It is a good thing that the new generation is aware of. And many people will invite their parents to come.

3) Menopause, elderly

Modern society is an increasingly aging society. The Thai population in the next 4-5 years will become an aging society. The matter of health is not caused by the increasing deterioration of the body alone. There is also a psychological aspect, a social dimension, and retirement status. Some people think that their self-worth is not the same as before. But life has many dimensions, not just work, but also relationships, entertainment, and another important thing: loss as one gets older. There will be the matter of losing close acquaintances.

“There is research that the most painful loss in life is the loss of a life partner. There will be a state of loneliness. It happens a lot, so your children and grandchildren, don’t forget to take care of the elderly at home. Especially in the urban context whose parents live in other provinces Sometimes there may be loneliness. Not just a physical disease But there are also mental illnesses.”

Cancer is the leading cause of death for women.

One of the leading causes of death of Thai women is cancer From Ministry of Public Health data in 2022, it was found that Thai women were also sick.breast cancerThe highest number was over 38,559 cases, followed by cervical cancer with 12,956 cases. breast cancer It is considered a silent danger nearby. This is because in the early stages there are usually no symptoms, no pain, no pain. When abnormal symptoms are found, they are usually at the stage when the lump is larger and has spread everywhere. which risks death Screening and early detection of breast cancer This will help the treatment have the greatest chance of success.

while Cervical cancer which is number 2 found in Thai women Especially in days 30 -55 years, most are caused by the Human Papillomavirus or HPV (HPV). In the early stages, there will be no abnormal symptoms or there may be only minor symptoms, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding or vaginal discharge. Chronic abnormalities, therefore, regular cervical cancer screening This makes it possible to detect abnormalities at an early stage and the HPV vaccination is the best way to prevent cervical cancer.

Every year, many women are diagnosed with and die from gynecological cancer. Whether it’s breast cancer The most common, followed by ovarian cancer or uterine cancer. This is a disease that can be treated if detected in the early stages.

Don’t let life be a hindrance. Because of health

recently Vimut Hospital Launch of ‘The Power of Woman’ campaign. Don’t let your life be disrupted by health issues. Accelerate the transmission of the ultimate power of women Presenting medical innovations and holistic healthcare services that covers all dimensions of health for women of all ages Targeting the purchasing power market of women Supporting the trend (SHEconomy) or an economy driven by women. One of the hottest mega trends

From the statistics of those receiving services at Wimut Hospital in 2023, it was found that there was a higher proportion of women than men, approximately 20%, the same as in 2022, with most focusing on health checkups as number 1, followed by the center. Obstetrics and gynecology and emergency department, respectively.

Dr. Somboon Thotsabaworn, Director of Wimut Hospital, said that Wimut Hospital is very pleased to be a part of promoting good health for women of all ages through the launch of “The Power of Women” campaign to Join us in driving the ultimate power and potential in women. Let everyone live a valuable life and develop themselves in every dimension on the foundation of a bright and strong physical and mental health. With a team of obstetricians and gynecologists and doctors who are experts in other fields who have great experience and expertise in treating all women’s health problems.

Wimut Hospital It also uses modern medical technology. Helps medical teams provide accurate diagnosis In a personal, friendly atmosphere and attentive service at every step. Ready to take care of women’s health in a holistic way (Holistic Care) from adolescence to adulthood, such as HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer, taking care of readiness before pregnancy as well as having children. Counseling for women before marriage and before pregnancy Pregnancy and childbirth services both natural birth and cesarean section Down’s syndrome diagnosis service by blood screening (NIPT Test), 2D and 4D ultrasound services.

“Cancer risk screening Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) as well as treatment for diseases that older women face, such as hormonal problems osteoporosis or have problems with the urinary tract So that every woman can have good health and live confidently every day.”

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