2023-10-01 10:29:00
Who has never drunk straight from the can? Whether this is for a question of practicality or simply because we do not have glass on hand, in case we have bought it from a distributor. However, this harmless action can actually be dangerous for your health.
First of all, this can be unhygienic, since the cans are stored in large warehouses before reaching the shelves of our supermarkets. The problem is that it is not uncommon to find rats in this kind of place, which sometimes urinate directly on the cans, and which can then carry leptospirosis. A disease which fortunately is very often benign for humans, but which in certain cases can lead to kidney failure. Caution is therefore required!
Losing the mind ?
But drinking from a can presents another danger: that of developing Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, a study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer Disease, reveals that the aluminum which makes up these containers participates in the formation of plaques in the brain, the first stage in the majority of cases of Alzheimer’s or dementia. We must then add to this the role of age, since the older we get, the less our kidneys are able to filter aluminum. This therefore means that an accumulation of chemical elements risks forming within our body.
If drinking from a can is therefore not recommended, it would seem that it should be completely avoided from a certain age. Particularly from the age of 65, the period of life when new cases of Alzheimer’s are most numerous.
#drinking #dangerous