Institute for Natural Health Protection Osteoarthritis: start with the microbiota

2023-09-29 07:36:52

Dear friend, dear friend,

Osteoarthritis affects more than 10 million people in France(1).

How many of these patients know that they might try to relieve their pain by taking care of their microbiota?(2) ?

The microbiota or intestinal flora corresponds to all bacteria, viruses, yeasts, protozoa, etc. that are in your colon or large intestine.

In total, there are nearly 100,000 billion bacteria in your intestine!

These are foreign microorganisms that live in your body.

They are an integral part of your life while having a life of their own. They even have their own genome(3) !

The microbiota weighs between 1 and 5 kg depending on the person(4).

Its three main functions are(4) :

  • to facilitate your digestion
  • to ensure your immune defense
  • to assimilate nutrients

In short, a healthy microbiota allows you to:

  • to feel good
  • not to get sick
  • to access the vitamins, minerals and trace elements that allow you to stay in shape

When dysbiosis causes or accentuates osteoarthritis…

It can happen, however, that the existing balance within the microbiota deteriorates.

Because, among the bacteria present in your colon, some are excellent while others are harmful(5).

When everything is going well, good bacteria take over, occupy space and provide the functions necessary for your metabolism(6).

But sometimes an imbalance occurs. Doctors call this situation dysbiosis.

It results in digestive disorders. This might be bloating, esophageal reflux, difficult digestion, etc.(5).

There is then a risk of chronic inflammation and excessive production of cytokines.

These proteins are messengers. They sound the alarm.

But if there are too many, it can trigger the immune system to go into overdrive, which is dangerous for your health.

And scientists found that in patients who had osteoarthritis, the microbiota was not doing well either(2).

In theory, therefore, your doctor might be able to detect osteoarthritis problems by looking at what your microbiota is made of.

Less rich intestinal flora in patients with osteoarthritis

Thus, Chinese researchers compared the stools of women aged 65 on average(7).

They found that patients with osteoarthritis had a less diverse and less rich microbiota than others.

These people had less than Bifidobacterium longuma bacteria useful to the immune system.

They might also lack Faecalibacterium prausnitzii which scientists believe has an anti-inflammatory action(7).

Conversely, patients suffering from osteoarthritis had more Clostridium ramosum which are harmful to health(7).

Track 1: probiotics to enrich your flora

In order to improve the situation, some therapists recommend their patients to take probiotics(8).

These are good bacteria that can restore balance to your microbiota.

Certain families of bacteria would thus be particularly indicated to accompany osteoarthritis, such as:

  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus casei Shirota

Bifidobacteria in particular might delay the appearance of lesions on the cartilage. They would also have a useful effect on transit and promote the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.(8).

Finally, they would improve the assimilation of vitamins and minerals.

If you want to provide probiotics to your body, you can use food supplements or more simply fermented foods like kombucha, kefir, cheese or raw sauerkraut!

Note, however, that each person has a different microbiota.

Even if there are large families of bacteria present from one person to another, the balance that occurs in you is unique.

Therefore, it is possible that the bacteria you consume are rejected or destroyed by your body…

Lead 2: Prebiotics feed your bacteria

Another strategy is to build on your own strengths.

Prebiotics are foods or supplements that help you feed your own bacteria.

In the long term, this approach is undoubtedly more effective.

You find them in foods that contain fermentable dietary fiber.

This means that these fibers will be digested by the bacteria which feed on them and develop thanks to them.(9,10).

You will find them in particular in legumes, fruits, whole grains, seeds and certain vegetables.

For example, garlic, asparagus, onions, chicory, bananas, apples, chickpeas, white or red beans, lentils or even oatmeal are rich in prebiotics.(11).

All green vegetables will provide you with dietary fiber, some fermentable and others not.

In any case, these fibers will be good for facilitating your digestion, which should limit pain linked to osteoarthritis.(12).

Finally, if you want to combine probiotics and prebiotics, there are also food supplements that include both, called synbiotics.(13).

Tip 3: plants and food supplements that can help you

In addition to prebiotics and possibly probiotics, you can also add:

  • chondroitin sulfates : this food supplement helps you strengthen your cartilages if they are not yet too damaged; they might also play a role on the bacteria in your microbiota(8)
  • glucosamine sulfates also constitute your cartilages(8)
  • horsetail as a food supplement or herbal tea to help relieve your joint pain(14)
  • vitamin C which gives you energy and helps fight pain(15)

Finally, don’t forget the virtues of soup nettles.

This exceptional plant can help you remineralize your body and strengthen your cartilage.(16).

It is also anti-inflammatory and helps reduce pain.(17).

You can also consume it in powder form, as a food supplement or as a herbal tea.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Natural #Health #Protection #Osteoarthritis #start #microbiota



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