The Mental Benefits of Cycling: Stimulating Brain Growth and Enhancing Cognitive Function

2023-09-30 04:29:00
Cycling can stimulate the growth of new brain cells and strengthen neural connections. These effects are beneficial for memory, problem solving, and general cognitive function (Freepik)

Cycling is considered one of the most complete sports and, in addition, it has the great advantage that it is an appropriate physical activity for most people.

Riding a bicycle involves using the body’s most important muscles in a rhythmic pattern that usually alternates active work with periods of rest. This makes it a complete activity for our body: 60 minutes of pedaling at a calm pace is equivalent to regarding 400 fewer calories, and if the speed increases, the caloric consumption is greater.

Furthermore, since it is an aerobic exercise, it provides all the benefits of that activity: it improves the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system, increases respiratory capacity and accelerates metabolism, among others. But it also benefits the brain: science has shown in several studies that it contributes to improving mental health due to its anti-stress and general well-being effect.

Dr. Alejandro Andersson, neurologist, medical director of the Buenos Aires Neurology Institute, INBA, and also a recreational cyclist, explained to Infobae: “Science supports the benefits of exercise for mental health, and there are more and more studies that suggest that riding cycling can be especially beneficial. “This is thought to be due to the cognitive skills that come into play when cycling, such as balance and decision making.”

Just as runners experience a “runner’s high,” cyclists may also feel a similar sense of well-being and energy during pedaling, fueled not only by endorphins but also endocannabinoids (Pexels).

In addition, the doctor highlighted, “physical activity, such as cycling, can stimulate the growth of new cells in areas of the brain related to memory and problem solving and strengthen connections between neurons.”

For her part, Dr. Laura Maffei, (MN 62441), endocrinologist and stress specialist, told Infobae in a recent note regarding the benefits of physical activity and how it contributes to well-being: “In recent years, there has been a lot of talk regarding the ‘Quartet of Happiness’, a set of hormones important in our mood: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins. This term has become popular due to the positive influence they have on our emotional well-being. Each of them plays an important role and, together, they contribute to generating a feeling of happiness and well-being. “These hormones are neurotransmitters that are produced in different parts of the body and have specific effects on the brain.”

Andersson also highlighted: “Cycling as a family has been shown to be beneficial for mental health, especially for children, and provides the opportunity to enjoy outdoor exercise while strengthening cognitive skills and creating a sense of community.”

The exposure to nature that occurs when cycling outdoors has been linked to reduced stress and improved mood (REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouwe)

Several studies demonstrate the contributions of this sport for children, such as, Cycling as a positive youth development mechanismpublished in the Journal of Parks and Recreation Management and Effects of physical activity on executive functions, attention, and academic performance in preadolescent children: a meta-analysis, Both highlight cycling as a positive mechanism for mental development, promoting attention and academic performance.

“Our research shows that children who ride their bikes at least once a week have higher levels of mental well-being,” said cognitive scientist Esther Walker, director of the research program at Outride, a nonprofit organization that researches cycling and proposes Riding for Focus (R4F), a middle school physical education program that promotes cycling as an outlet for students to improve their cognitive, physical, and social-emotional well-being.

On its website the organization says it all started with the question: “Can cycling positively impact the learning, health and well-being of children with ADHD?” A team of neuroscientists examined the benefits of introducing a cycling program to high school students with ADHD and found many positive effects, such as “improvements in attention and physical fitness.” In addition, “positive moods also increased following cycling,” says Outride.

Maintaining balance, paying attention to the road, processing information from the environment, coordinating movements and making decisions continuously are some of the tasks that the brain executes with remarkable speed in the middle of pedaling. How does this influence its operation?

Cycling has been associated with promoting the growth of new brain cells in regions related to memory and problem solving (Illustrative image Infobae)

Dr. Andersson stated that cycling is one of the activities that can most improve mental health for several reasons:

– Physical exercise: When riding a bicycle, you perform aerobic exercise that stimulates the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that generate feelings of well-being and reduce stress and anxiety.

– Brain stimulation: Riding a bicycle requires executive function skills, such as balance, coordination and decision making. These skills involve constant brain processing, which can strengthen cognitive function and mental agility.

– Connection with nature: Many times, cycling involves being outdoors and in nature, which can have positive effects on mental health. This exposure has been linked to reducing stress and improving mood.

– Socialization: This contributes to building positive relationships and increases the sense of belonging and community. Socialization is important for mental well-being.

Several studies have shown that cycling is beneficial for the mental development, attention and academic performance of young people (Pexels)

– Sense of achievement: When completing bicycle routes or achieving personal goals, such as increasing the distance traveled or overcoming obstacles, you experience a sense of achievement that can increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

As for how it benefits the brain, it is believed that cycling can have the following positive effects, Dr. Andersson explained:

– Stimulation of cell growth: Physical activity, such as cycling, has been associated with promoting the growth of new brain cells in regions related to memory and problem solving. This can improve cognitive ability and the ability to remember.

– Strengthening neural connections: Cycling requires the brain to constantly process information, such as evaluating the environment to avoid obstacles and make quick decisions. This can strengthen the connections between neurons, which improves overall brain function.

– Improved attention: Regular cycling can improve attention and concentration capacity. This can be especially beneficial for school-aged children and youth.

It is believed that cycling is one of the activities that can most improve mental health and produces the release in the body of the “happiness quartet”, four neurotransmitters that give a feeling of well-being (Getty)

Andersson pointed out that just as there is a runner’s euphoria, which is present when reaching the finish line of a race, for example, there is also “cyclist’s euphoria.” “It occurs in all aerobic sports such as running. ‘The runner’s high’ is not only due to endorphins, as has always been said, but also to endocannabinoids. The latter are neurotransmitters similar to the active components of cannabis. They have neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects, and may contribute to reducing anxiety and improving mood,” he stated.

Furthermore, as Dr. Maffei explained, physical activity improves general well-being because it causes our body to release the four hormones that make up the so-called “quartet of happiness” and its benefits are:

1. Serotonin: known as the “happiness hormone”, it increases self-esteem and confidence. The practice of physical activity favors its liberation because it involves overcoming challenges.

Riding a bicycle in a group or family encourages social interaction, which helps build positive relationships and increases the sense of belonging and community (Illustrative Image Infobae)

2. Endorphins: they are the “hormones of physical well-being” and “are released during exercise, orgasm and in situations of stress or pain. They act as natural pain relievers, reducing the feeling of discomfort and generating a feeling of euphoria,” Maffei said.

3. Dopamine: It is the neurotransmitter of pleasure. Andersson explained: “It is related to motivation, pleasure, attention and satisfaction. The release of dopamine in the brain is associated with feelings of achievement, reward, and happiness. In addition, it plays an important role in regulating movement and coordination.”

4. Oxytocin: It is known as the “love hormone.” Oxytocin in the brain appears to be involved in the recognition and establishment of social relationships and might be involved in the formation of relationships of trust, empathy and generosity. With a group bike ride, for example, interpersonal relationships are established that favor the release of this hormone.

As a doctor and as a cyclist, Dr. Andersson gave these tips for cycling:

– The pedaling frequency should be between 60 and 100. The speed and effort must adapt to the slopes and are regulated with the changes.

Riding a bicycle as a family can improve children’s concentration and emotional control (Pexels)

– The feet should always be on the pedals, resting on the middle area and not the toe; They should remain parallel to the floor and when we look at them from above they should also look parallel. The knees at their highest point should tend to go to the midline on the pipe.

– Check that the bike is well adjusted for your body size and type. This includes seat height, handlebar height, brake and gear position, and crank length (the parts that connect the pedals to the chain).

– Good back posture: keep it upright and in a neutral position on the bicycle. Do not slouch or stretch too much. This will depend on the type of bicycle: touring, urban, beach, road, mountain bike, etc…

– Try to distribute the weight evenly between the handlebars and the seat. Do not put too much weight on your hands, because that can make your arms sleepy.

– Do not grip the handlebars too tightly. Maintain a relaxed grip to prevent your hands from going numb.

– Pay attention to the body’s signals. If you feel pain or discomfort while riding, stop and adjust your posture or bike as needed. Do not ignore injury symptoms.

#Cycling #improves #brain #health #stimulates #happiness #hormones



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