Ahmad Massoud: “Islamist terrorism is once again exported from Afghanistan”

2023-09-30 01:01:51

Commander Massoud’s son launches the same call for help, and the same warning, as his father in 2001, on the eve of the September 11 attacks. He hopes that this time the West will hear him.

Ahmad Massoud, the son of the legendary commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, the “Lion of Panchir”, invites me to join him for a rare interview, on the occasion of the release of his book “Our Freedom” (Éditions Bouquins). We meet in a discreet Brussels hotel, secured by State Security. His gaze is lively. His English, which he perfected at King’s College London, is crystal clear.

The 34-year-old Afghan warlord now leads the National Resistance Front (FNR), the last military alliance fighting the Taliban since their return to power in August 2021. A price is put on his head by several terrorist groups.

As a child, Ahmad Massoud impressed the world when he appeared in tears at the funeral of his father, who had just been murdered by Al-Qaeda operatives two days before the attacks of September 11, 2001. Since then, the heir doesn’t give up.

Why did you write this book?

Because we are at the dawn of a new resistance. I thought it was necessary to tell the story I learned from my fatherwhat happened next and why I’m here.

How has Afghanistan evolved since the return of the Taliban?

“Women have completely disappeared from society.”

My country is totally under the control of terrorist groups. Imagine, a territory larger than France, under the control not only of the Taliban, but also of other terrorists. There is no law, no constitution.

The people have no place in decisions. Contrary to what they make people believe, the Taliban have eradicated all political diversity, any opposition. Ethnic cleansing continues. Women have completely disappeared from societythey are the main victims of this change.

The Taliban have industrialized the drug and narcotics trade. Prices are skyrocketing. Amphetamines are now being manufactured in Afghanistan, which was not the case before.

Neighboring countries are becoming increasingly concerned because terrorist groups gather in Afghanistan for training.

Daesh and Al-Qaeda are reconstituting themselves thanks to the Taliban?

Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Jaish ul-Adl, Jaish-e-Mohammed… Do you want me to continue? There are twenty-one terrorist groups active in Afghanistan as I speak to you.

“Sooner or later this will also affect Europe, because Afghanistan has once once more become a refuge and recruiting ground for Islamist terrorism.”

Do these groups threaten Europe?

They have already started to infiltrate beyond the Afghan borders. Every day, TTP launches 50 to 90 attacks in Pakistan. Jaish ul-Adl has attacked Iran on numerous occasions. Other groups have also attacked Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Islamist terrorism is once once more exported from Afghanistan for two years. The first steps are the countries of the region. But sooner or later it will also affect Europe, because Afghanistan has once once more become a refuge and recruiting ground for Islamist terrorism.

The Taliban haven’t changed?

Ask the Afghans. Women’s. To my commanders in the mountains of Afghanistan. They will tell you that the Taliban not only have not changed, they have become more extremist.

The Taliban of the 1990s were a group of newbies, newly arrived terrorists. Over the past twenty years, they have integrated into Afghanistan like salt integrates into water. The Taliban has evolved from an international terrorist group into something more complex. They connected with the narcotics mafia, criminal networks and other international terrorist groups.

“The people of Panchir will never accept the Taliban. Our men are still fighting. Our women are still protesting.”

What is the situation of your forces in Panchir?

Our strengths extend well beyond that. We started with the Panchir Valley in 2021, and today, we expanded into twelve provinceswhere we help our people.

Where do you live?

Out of Afghanistan. I travel a lot. I’m a target for the Taliban, they don’t want me alive, so I’m trying to be a moving target. The countries I travel to provide me with a certain level of protection.

What has become of the “spirit of Panchir”, the spirit of revolt instilled by Commander Massoud?

It is very high. The people of Panchir will never accept the Taliban. Our men are still fighting. Our women are still protesting. We will never accept tyranny. They came with a force of 60,000 men to our valley. They invaded our country, our lands, our homes. They torture people. Our dignity, our women and our future are in danger. We are not going to sit here and do nothing.

We are fighting in the mountains, in the valley, just like during the Soviet occupation. They try to take control, but they can’t.

What do you expect from the United States and Europe?

“I hope that this time Europe will heed our warning.”

It is time for them to reconsider the policy they have adopted for two years. They tried to negotiate with the Taliban, but nothing changed. Any hope of seeing a Taliban change is a dream.

It is time for Europe to realize what is happening in Afghanistan. When my father came to Europe in 2001, to Brussels, to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, he warned the West of imminent danger. They didn’t listen to him, and we lost this extraordinary man who might have helped us once morest international terrorism.

I hope that this time Europe will heed our warning.

How can Europe help you?

We need help in all areas. The Afghans are in a catastrophic economic situation. Many are leaving. But how many millions of refugees will Europe still be able to accommodate? A million? Two million? She can’t afford it.

We first need help to rebuild our country, so that we never leave it. We need hope. In 2001, many people returned to Afghanistan because there was hope of a return to democracy.

We must also learn from mistakes. The American strategy, at the beginning, consisted of supporting us indirectly. This help worked perfectly. In three weeks, we had succeeded in pushing back the Taliban.

But then the mistakes started. Upon entering Afghanistan, the Americans gave the Taliban an argument to call on other groups to join them. They also provoked neighboring powers, such as Pakistan, who saw the United States as a threat. They then supported the war once morest NATO.

Who supports the Taliban today?

The Taliban are supported by terrorist groups and international criminal networks linked to narcotics.

Other support comes from countries that have an eye on Afghanistan’s wealth and mines, and for which it is easier to negotiate with a small group than with a government.

You fight religious fanaticism…

Yes. The Taliban do not represent my religion, Islam. They use it to drive their traffic. These extremists never belonged in our society, because they abuse everything for their benefit. Drugs. Opium. They are criminals.

Is Islamism continuing to grow in Europe?

I see an increase in the Islamist presence in Europe. There are, even here in Belgium, individuals who support the Taliban.

You defend a “rational Islam”. what do you mean?

For me Islam is one, it means moderation and peace. It is the Islam of my father, of the Prophet Muhammad and of 99% of Muslims. The extremist interpretation of Islam is not new to us. We are the first victim. Then it’s you.

Moderate Muslims have always fought Islamists. But today, some great powers use Islamism for geopolitical purposes. Al-Qaeda had been used by the United States once morest the Soviets and then turned once morest them. Now, because of China, Al-Qaeda can become a weapon once more.

Will peace ever be possible in your country?

It’s 50-50. I see a possibility of peace, if the world pays attention to our situation. Otherwise, I see things getting worse than ever. And this will extend to the West. It has already started. We’ve warned you once before, and we’re warning you once more.

Key phrases

  • “The Taliban have eradicated all political diversity, all opposition. Ethnic cleansing continues.”
  • “There is twenty-one terrorist groups active in Afghanistan as I speak to you.”
  • “From an international terrorist group, the Taliban have moved on to something more complex. They connected with the narcotics mafia, criminal networks and other international terrorist groups.”
  • We are fighting in the mountains, in the valley, just like during the Soviet occupation.”
  • “When my father came to Europe in 2001, to Brussels, to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, he had warned the West of imminent danger. They didn’t listen to him.”

#Ahmad #Massoud #Islamist #terrorism #exported #Afghanistan



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