Brussels Residential Car Park Vandalism: Massive Break-ins and Theft On Avenue Georgin

2023-09-29 16:09:00

According to information from 7sur7, during the night from Thursday to Friday, two individuals entered a Brussels residential car park located on Avenue Georgin and vandalized the vehicles present. They also stole several items.

The cameras of a car parked in the parking lot filmed their actions. Around twenty vehicles were reportedly vandalized. In particular, windows were broken.

According to one of the victims “it’s real carnage” on the spot. “I live on the ground floor, just above the parking lot, and you can’t hear the car alarms at all,” she laments.

The method by which these two vandals managed to enter this secure parking lot has not yet been established.

The police went to the site this Friday followingnoon to assess the damage.

#twenty #vehicles #vandalized #Brussels #parking #lot #real #carnage



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