update on the vaccination campaign

2023-09-21 12:24:00

Back to school, return to work and drop in temperatures… The month of September marks the return of Covid-19. Faced with the increase in cases, the government is banking on vaccination.

In its last weekly update of September 19, Public Health France mentions an increase in cases of contamination, mainly in children. The latest SOS Médecins report mentions an increase in medical procedures for suspected Covid-19. The organization mentions 4,840 acts recorded for suspected Covid-19 in week 37 compared to 4,073 the week before, an increase of 19%. “It is observed in all age groups with the exception of those aged 75 and over: +61% among children and +15% among 15-74 year olds (resp. +337 and +467 acts)“, details the report.

This increase is also visible in the emergency room. According to figures from the OSCOUR network, emergency activity is increasing sharply among children with 16,771 visits recorded. (an increase of 23%) including 1,385 hospitalizations (an increase of 18%). The figures remained stable among adults.

If cases of contamination are increasing, deaths have decreased slightly. On week 37 approximately 4,842 deaths were recorded, all causes combined. This represents a decrease of 1.7% compared to the week before. Public health France note a decrease in deaths especially among people aged 65 to 84, with a drop of 4.4%. “The number of deaths of people over 85 and under 65 remains stable,” explains the organization.

Public Health France adds that the number of deaths recorded remains within standards. “The number of deaths from all causes from civil registry offices remains within the usual fluctuation margins from week 03 until week 36-2023 for all ages,” explains the organization.

Coronavirus: the government is banking on vaccination

To avoid a worsening of the situation this winter, the government is banking on vaccination. Originally scheduled for October 17 it was brought forward to October 2. Indeed, faced with the increase in cases, the Covars (Committee for Monitoring and Anticipation of Health Risks) insisted on implementation as soon as possible.

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“Faced with uncertainties about the evolution of the circulation of the virus, I contacted Covars on September 8 to ask them whether it was necessary to accelerate the opening of the vaccination campaign against Covid. I have just received Professor Brigitte Autran (president of Covars) who gave me the opinion of September 15 recommending to open vaccination more quickly to vulnerable people more directly exposed to the virus“, explained the Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau, a few days ago to AFP.

Vaccination campaign against Covid-19: who is concerned?

The people affected by the vaccination campaign are:

  • 65 and over ;
  • aged over 6 months;
  • with comorbidities having a higher risk of severe disease
  • immunocompromised;
  • pregnant women ;
  • elderly dependents in nursing homes;
  • living in close proximity and in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people.

For this campaign, a new version of vaccine was created from the Omicron variant strain XBB.1.5 (majority variant in France), and therefore effective against it. “Three COMIRNATY monovalent OMICRON XBB.1.5 vaccines are available for order (on the Public Health France order portal) to cover all ages“, explains Vidal, reference site for medicines. The first vaccine currently available is that of BioNTech-Pfizer. That of Moderna has just been authorized and should soon be available on the market. The last, that of Novamax, is still being validated.

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