New video series “Science Explained” – Martin Moder makes hypercholesterolemia understandable

2023-09-29 12:02:06

Vienna (OTS)

  • Around 15 percent of the Austrian population suffers from high cholesterol levels – but who understands what the problem is and how targeted therapies can be used to combat it?
  • Science Busters star Martin Moder explains the connections in a simple but not banal way and, together with cholesterol expert Martin Clodi, gives answers to frequently asked questions

Plasmids, mRNA vaccines or radioligand therapy – all ingredients for innovative approaches to give patients with serious illnesses new hope and to further develop medicine. But who understands what these terms mean?

In order to make these highly exciting therapy concepts relevant to many Austrians understandable, Novartis Austria has launched the video series “Science Explained” with the molecular biologist and Science Busters star Martin Moder. The first episode is dedicated to hypercholesterolemia.

Episode 1 Hypercholesterolemia – Lemon disguised as LDL

“We took on the topic for good reason,” emphasizes Science Buster Moder, “because After all, 15 percent of the Austrian population is affected by high cholesterol levels. And four out of ten deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases, the most important risk factor for which is hypercholesterolemia. So what might be more obvious than to explain the connections and present promising therapies in a way that everyone can understand?

To do this, Martin Moder peppers a lemon with “cholesterol beads” in an inimitable way and shows what LDL cholesterol triggers in the body and how innovative drugs “trick” the body’s mechanisms of action in order to render LDL-C harmless.

The humorous, 20-minute science education is rounded off with an interview with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Clodi, head of the department of internal medicine at the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy Linz and president of the Cholesterol Alliance. With it, Moder gets to the bottom of the so-called “bad” cholesterol and asks the questions that many patients think regarding. What cholesterol value is it? How high can it be? Is it enough to counteract this with exercise and proper nutrition? The answers are in the video:

Video format as an expression of the Novartis corporate understanding

For Novartis Country President Kuntal Baveja, the video series is an expression of the company’s new understanding: “Innovation is part of our DNA. We focus on developing innovative medicines. But we also want to be perceived as a responsible partner in the healthcare system. And so it is obvious that we strive to make the therapies understandable to our patients. That’s why I’m pleased that we were able to win Martin Moder for this format. The first episode also fits perfectly with our commitment to the topic of heart health.

Questions & Contact:

Maj. Sabine Boschetto
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel.: +43 (1) 866 57 0

#video #series #Science #Explained #Martin #Moder #hypercholesterolemia #understandable



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