Eviction Crisis on Place Bethlém: Families and Beloved Restaurant Forced onto the Streets

2023-09-28 13:07:00

By next Monday, the eight families who live in a building on Place Bethlém, in Saint-Gilles, will be put on the street following an “order to vacate” following the public sale of the building. A situation which also concerns the restaurant La Grillade Chez Nikos, a real institution in a neighborhood in shock following this situation.

“Three months ago, the building was put up for auction. The new buyer came to see me to tell me that we had to leave the premises. It was, initially, possible to grant me a lease to continue my activity but it was ultimately not possible,” regrets Nikos, tenant of the first floor and owner of the Greek restaurant located on the ground floor.

A catastrophic situation for the families who live in this building and to whom no rehousing solution has been offered. “I was shocked when I learned that I had to leave the premises, I clearly found myself faced with a fait accompli,” regrets Georges, Nikos’ son, who lives in the building with his wife and their one-year-old daughter. and half. “I had no notice. I find it inhumane to act like this. There was a public sale and the building was seized without any possibility of appeal, the residents were not informed. We don’t know where to go.”

Damaged and dirty goods will be considered trash

We were able to consult the letter from the bailiff which indicates that the residents must “immediately leave and place the premises located on Chaussée de Forest at the free and complete disposal of the applicant.” “Goods which are still in the home following the legal deadline set by the judge (namely Monday October 2, Editor’s note) will be put on the public highway at his expense. Damaged and dirty property will be considered as trash by the municipality.”

It is also stipulated that residents must “make arrangements to empty the disputed premises and return any of the building at the latest three working days before this date, otherwise the eviction will take place, with a locksmith and in the presence of the police.”

Contacted, the mayor of Saint-Gilles Jean Spinette explains that he cannot do anything regarding this situation, given that he does not have the right of pre-emption. “The creditors sold the house and the restaurant very quickly and we were unable to assert our power of pre-emption at the highest buyer’s price without going through the municipal council,” explains he. “Now the sale has taken place and the owners are carrying out the order to vacate. ”

The disappearance of the Greek restaurant, which has around twenty tables on Bethlehem Square, will leave a void. “This situation is really sad, it has been there for 50 years, it was a historic establishment in the neighborhood,” regrets the owner of another establishment on Bethlehem Square.

The bailiffs and the police will be present this Monday around 8 a.m. to enforce the order to leave.

#families #restaurateur #street #Monday #order #clear #inhumane #act



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