Caring for your skin with freckles

2023-09-28 06:00:36

Here are some recommendations for caring for freckled skin and protecting it from the sun’s rays…

Last update : September 28, 2023

Certain precautions should be taken to care for freckled skin due to sun rays, especially in summer. Indeed, it is generally light tones, which makes it more sensitive. In this way, burns and stains are avoided, as well as other effects of UVA and UVB rays.

Skin with freckles: is it more sensitive?

Although they are considered pigmented lesions, freckles are most often benign. That is, they have no clinical significance unless there are sudden changes in their appearance (color, size, or texture) or other symptoms, such as itching, burning, or bleeding.

Their appearance is linked to hereditary factors. Although some believe that they are caused by the sun, in reality, by exposing them to the sun’s rays, the production of melanin is favored. This is why their color intensifies.

Of course, burn spots may also appear. These are usually larger than normal freckles. But also dark and irregular, appearing on exposed areas, such as the back and shoulders.

On the other hand, skin with freckles must be taken care of. Because they are generally very clear. That’s to say that they have a weak phototype, because it produces less melanin. The latter being the natural pigment which gives color to the skin and hair.

Also read: How to avoid hyperpigmentation in summer?

How to take care of your skin with freckles caused by the sun’s rays?

For this reason, you need to take some precautions. Especially when summer comes and want to spend a little more time outdoors. Below we present to you six basic recommendations for caring for skin with freckles.

1. Use sunscreen

The first measurement you should never miss is apply sunscreen when you have to be in open spaces for several hours a day. In this regard, you can consider the following tips:

  • Since freckled skin has a weak phototype and burns more easily, the protection factor should be high, at least SPF 50.
  • You can choose between a chemical or mineral protectant, provided that it is a product broad spectrum. That is to say, it protects once morest UVA, UVB and infrared rays.
  • That it is resistant to water (if you go to the beach) and perspiration, so that it protects for longer.
  • You should apply it evenly all over the skin, especially on the face.
  • Renew frequently, at least every two hours or following bathing.

Also discover: 8 tips to avoid sun spots

2. Moisturize the skin

At least twice a day, and especially if you have been exposed to the sun for a while, you need to moisturize your skin with freckles. In this way you offer substances that promote moisture retention.

There are various products on the market for this type of care, which contain vitamins and essential fatty acids. As well as aloe vera extracts, hyaluronic acid, among other nutrients.

3. Protect skin with freckles

Likewise, to care for your sensitive skin with freckles, try to wear clothing and accessories that act as a protective barrierreducing or filtering sunlight.

This includes the use of caps or hats as well as clothing that covers most of the skin. And which are made of light fabrics and light colors, as well as parasols, among other accessories.

4. Avoid the sun

We know you’ve been waiting for summer to enjoy the sun, you can do it at certain times. In other words, you should preferably avoid exposing yourself during hours when the rays strike verticallybetween 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Of course, it depends on the location. But if you live in an area close to the equator, you’ll probably notice that at this time of day, the sunlight pushes us more into the shade.

5. Vitamins and Antioxidants

Sometimes the radiation is so strong that sunscreen is not enough. However, the use of products containing vitamins and antioxidantswhether topical or oralis considered necessary.

They help reduce the effect of free radicals, to prevent the appearance of spots and to care for skin with freckles. Although there are moisturizers and protectants that contain them as well.

6. Oral hydration

If the skin loses moisture and becomes dry, it is more prone to the appearance of premature wrinkles. To avoid this, you need to stay well hydrated. In summer, especially when it’s hotter, it is better to increase water consumption.

In this regard, you should know that the average quantity of liquid to consume per day should be between two liters and two and a half liters. Although this varies depending on the person’s habits. For example, the intensity of the physical activity you practice. In some cases, you must also consume electrolytes, to avoid dehydration.

7. Foods rich in water

In addition to the above, consumption of foods with a higher water content, such as fruits and vegetables, is also recommended. Among them, we can cite: tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, melons and juices.

When to go to the dermatologist?

During summer vacations, you should take all the above precautions to take care of your skin with freckles. Especially if you plan to be out in the sun.

On the other hand, pay attention to the appearance of various symptoms, such as spots, increased size of moles, burning or itching, among others. If you observe some of these signs, be sure to go to the consultation with the dermatologist.

This means that possible injuries can be identified in time and, if necessary, treatments can be applied. Whether it is restoration or rehydration, among others.

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