2023-09-28 04:02:10
The MAMH is proud to make public its Annual management report (RAG) 2022-2023 for the financial year which ended on March 31, 2023. In accordance with the Public Administration Act, this report presents in particular the results obtained by the organization in relation to the orientations and objectives of its 2019-2023 strategic plan .
The RAG reflects the remarkable and quality work that the Department’s teams carry out on a daily basis to adequately equip municipalities and coordinate government action in a coherent manner for all partners in the municipal sector.
Many files are presented there, including the National architecture and land use planning policy and the Territorial protection plan once morest flooding: sustainable solutions to better protect our living environments. Let us also mention the changes to infrastructure programs, including the new Municipal infrastructure improvement and construction programand specialized support in municipal finances for municipal organizations.
The audacity, agility and dedication of the various Ministry teams as well as the collaborative work carried out were at the heart of the success of the actions and numerous interventions.
Once once more, the MAMH has carried out major projects and carried out initiatives that have effects throughout Quebec.
Good reading!
#Publication #MAMHs #annual #management #report