2023-09-27 16:15:59
07:13 PM Wednesday 27 September 2023
Written by Nada Najid:
Maintaining oral hygiene not only protects once morest tooth and gum diseases, but also provides great protection once morest a serious disease that threatens the brain, according to a study conducted by the Norwegian University of Bergen.
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The serious disease referred to in the study published in “Science Advances” magazine on January 23, 2019 is “Alzheimer’s.”
Researchers found that neglecting dental hygiene leads to the growth of a very dangerous bacteria called Porphyromonas gingivalis, which may be transmitted to the brain through the bloodstream, according to the “Health.Harvard” website.
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When the bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis reaches the brain, it begins to secrete enzymes called gingipins, which researchers have shown destroy nerve cells, leading to memory loss, and then Alzheimer’s disease.
The study reached this disturbing result by examining the brains of 53 deceased people who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease before they died.
The research team recorded elevated levels of these enzymes in almost all of their brains.
It is worth noting that there are previous studies that revealed a relationship between an increase in Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria in the mouth and an increased risk of heart disease.
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