Ensuring Safety during Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Holidays: Guyuan City Administration Bureau’s Pre-Holiday Safety Inspections

2023-09-27 09:00:49

Never let up on safety without holidays—Guyuan City Administration Bureau carries out safety production inspections before the “Mid-Autumn Festival” and “National Day” holidays

The “Mid-Autumn Festival” and “National Day” holidays are approaching. In order to further strengthen the defense line of safety production during the “two festivals”, effectively prevent and resolutely curb the occurrence of various safety accidents, and create a peaceful and safe festival environment. From September 25th to 26th, the Municipal Administration Bureau carried out safety production inspections before the “Mid-Autumn Festival” and “National Day” holidays.

The inspection team went deep into the administrative center, energy efficiency improvement project construction site, Minsheng Building, conference center, agency canteen, conference center power distribution room and other places. Through a combination of data review and on-site inspection, they focused on inspecting the main responsibility of corporate safety, safety The implementation of production measures, safety education and training, and hidden danger inspection and rectification. During the inspection process, the inspectors carefully understood the implementation of safety production rules and regulations, maintenance of fire protection facilities, and daily hidden danger inspection and management of each site, and reviewed the problems and hidden dangers detected on site. , put forward rectification opinions, required rectification within a time limit, and strict closed-loop management.

The inspection team emphasized that property service units must conscientiously fulfill their main responsibilities for safety production, attach great importance to existing safety hazards, strictly keep key positions on duty, and strictly enforce 24-hour double duty at the three micro fire stations in the Administrative Center, Minsheng Building, and Conference Center to implement We will specify safety production work measures and strengthen safety education and training for employees so that everyone knows and understands safety. At the same time, various safety precautions must be strictly implemented and equipment and facilities must be comprehensively maintained and inspected. For the identified hidden dangers, specific rectification measures, rectification time limits and persons responsible for rectification must be formulated, and rectifications must be in place on time and as required, so as to nip hidden risks in the bud as much as possible, and resolutely contain and prevent the occurrence of various safety accidents.

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