The 4-7-8 Technique: Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes & Improve Sleep Quality

2023-09-26 22:28:35

According to Dr. Michael Breus, most people fall asleep within 10 to 20 minutes following turning off the lights and lying in bed. Doing it much earlier or much later, according to the expert, indicates that something is affecting sleep, from an underlying disorder to a health problem or due to the food, drinks or substances consumed in the previous hours.

Additionally, stress, anxiety, constant worries or simply not being able to stop thinking are some causes that can prevent a person from relaxing enough to fall asleep.

If you suffer from some of the aforementioned problems and cannot fall asleep at night, the 4-7-8 technique might be the best ally to rest fully. This is a method developed by Andrew Weil, a doctor at Harvard University. and with which you can fall asleep in at least 2 minutes.

This is a breathing technique designed to help people relax and fall asleep more easily. It consists of the following steps:

Exhale completely: Begin by completely exhaling all the air from your lungs through your mouth, making a “whoosh” sound. Inhale silently through your nose for a count of 4 seconds. Hold your breath: Then, hold your breath for a 7-second count.Exhale completely: Finally, exhale completely for an 8-second count through your mouth, once more making the “whoosh” sound.

This breathing cycle is repeated several times (usually 3 to 4 times) and it is recommended to do it with your eyes closed to focus on your breathing and relax.

The 4-7-8 technique is used to reduce stress, anxiety and facilitate falling asleep by slowing the heart rate and calming the nervous system. It’s a simple technique that you can practice any time you need to relax or improve the quality of your sleep.

The formula is inspired by an ancient yoga technique called pranayama, it is simple, has no contraindications and is designed for people who have problems sleeping and have already tried everything.

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In short, all you need to do is place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth, where the roof of your mouth begins. Then, you have to close your mouth and breathe through your nose for four seconds. Next, hold your breath in your lungs for 7 seconds and, finally, expel all the air for eight seconds.

Other tips to fall asleep easily:

Maintain a regular schedule: Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body clock. Create a relaxation routine: Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, such as reading a book, taking a hot bath, or practicing the 4-7-8 breathing technique. Take care of your sleep environment: Make sure Make sure your bedroom is comfortable, dark and quiet. Adjust the temperature so it’s comfortable for you.Limit screen exposure: Avoid phone, tablet, and computer screens at least an hour before bed, as blue light can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.Limit caffeine and alcohol: Avoid caffeine and alcohol several hours before bed, as they can interfere with sleep.Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help you fall asleep, but try to avoid exercising intense right before bed.Avoid heavy meals before bed: Eat a light dinner and avoid spicy or heavy foods that may upset your stomach.Manage stress and anxiety: Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to reduce stress and anxiety that can make it difficult to fall asleep.Limit naps: If you feel the need to sleep during the day, try to limit naps to 20-30 minutes and don’t take them too late in the day.Consult a professional: If you Even though you are still having sleep problems following following these tips, consider speaking with a doctor or sleep specialist to rule out possible sleep disorders and obtain specific guidance.
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