Comprehensive Guide to Ovarian Cancer: Symptoms, Stages, and Prevention

2023-09-26 07:02:00

“Ovaries” are one of the female sexual organs. Which has a general size of about 2-3 cm., located on both sides of the uterus. It has two main functions: producing eggs, which are mixed with the male’s sperm. become an embryo The egg is implanted in the uterine cavity and another important function is female hormone production Responsible for controlling women’s work

Ovarian Cancer It is a cancer that is found very rarely. And it is often a cancer that is overlooked. But it is still considered a danger that is found in every woman.

“Ovarian cancer” is a serious disease of the female reproductive system, leading symptoms and progression.

“Ovarian cancer” factors and age group – silent risk behavior in women

Risk factors come from hormones. and abnormalities of genes in the body Most patients with ovarian cancer present with abdominal pain. Until the tumor grows and causes the patient to feel pain, It takes a very long time. That means that when you have stomach pain, come get checked. It may be in the advanced stage.

Therefore, when you get older Screening with ovarian ultrasound Therefore, it is considered one of the good prevention methods that should not be overlooked. And in the treatment section If found at a stage where it has not yet spread, it can be completely cured. By giving chemotherapy to make the cancer shrink Before surgery to completely remove the tumor and enter the process of giving medicine to control the disease until it is completely cured

Risk symptoms of early stage ovarian cancer

Indigestion, bloating, flatulence, feeling uncomfortable in the stomach even after eating even a small amount of food, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, frequent urination.

It can be seen that these symptoms appear to be almost completely harmless. Therefore, before you know it, the disease will spread. or a lump is found in the lower abdomen Started having severe stomach pain. Or there is water in the abdominal cavity and the stomach feels abnormally large.

Use loose powder on hidden spots. “Ovarian cancer” increased 2.5 times.

4 stages of ovarian cancer

distance 1: Cancer cells are scattered only around the ovaries. If detected during this period You will be able to undergo surgical treatment in a timely manner. without spreading to other organs If you have regular internal examinations, there is a higher chance of finding the disease at this stage than people who have never had an examination. distance 2: Cancer cells have spread to the pelvis. It is still within a less detectable range as well. Because there are no symptoms at all, advanced ovarian cancer has become a silent disease that is more dangerous than many people think. distance 3: Cancer cells have spread to the peritoneum. It is the stage that is most often detected. This is because the abdomen will quickly expand due to the presence of various fluids. more in the stomach until this abnormality was noticed The patient will experience more tightness and stiffness in the abdomen. But the weight has decreased. distance 4: Cancer cells spread into other organs outside the abdomen, possibly quickly to the liver or lungs.

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Many patients are often unconscious in the early stages because they have no specific symptoms. Before we knew it, the disease had spread to stage 3 and required timely treatment. Disease control is more difficult Annual health examinations are therefore very important for women!

Thank you for information from: Phyathai Hospital , Paolo Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital

Picture from: shutterstock

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), not urgently treated, increases the risk of breast cancer and diabetes.

“Ovarian cancer” is a danger to women with no warning signs. Just bloating and weight loss can be a risk.

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