Preventing Suicides at the Remouchamps Viaduct: A Life-Saving Intervention by Emergency Services

2023-09-26 15:43:47

Tuesday, during the followingnoon, emergency services were called to intervene in Remouchamps where a man had the firm intention of ending his life. In fact, a man aged around thirty and residing in Rocourt, in the territory of the city of Liège, wanted to take his own life. He therefore headed towards Remouchamps and more precisely towards its viaduct, infamous for its suicides.

Once there, the man slipped under the bridge deck with the firm intention of throwing himself into the void. Luckily, the police in the SECOVA area were quickly informed of the incident and went to the scene. Given the situation and the fact that the thirty-year-old had slipped under the bridge deck, the intervention of the GRIMP unit (Groupe de Reconnaissance et d’Intervention en Milieu Perilleux) of the firefighters was necessary.

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