Doug Paisley – Say What You Like

2023-09-24 19:11:02

from Oliver
am 24. September 2023
in Album

Say What You LikeDoug Paisley’s fifth solo album, sounds great, thanks in part to producer Afie Jurvanen and his band mates Bahamaswonderfully relaxed and relaxed – but only seemingly carefree.

The poppy singer-songwriter-indie folk does this with its country elements (such as especially in Rewrite History) so pleasant and carefree, remaining humble and his bittersweet cuteness playing with universal class, strolling along dreamy guitar and gently springy rhythm section including soft arrangements, such as magical female backing vocals, but in the middle of the gaping gap between form and content.
Paisley finally says regarding the title song alone: ​​“When something important disappears from your life your imagination is sometimes called upon to fill the gaps. You might fill another universe with all the things people imagine other people are saying or thinking regarding them. The second verse was written ten years following the first.” and then adds the information that for Say What You Like Another reason why five years have passed since the previous album was because the man from Toronto first had to distill the material for it from 250 unfinished songs.
But nothing here sounds like this amount of work, all the numbers are easy on the ear with a certain non-committal quality – although they are musically more irrelevant and less succinct than the weight of the content would actually require. That alone the withdrawn intimacy of Holy Rollerby far the longest song from Say What You Like, In its comforting melancholy, it might happily run for longer than just seven and a half minutes, but it probably speaks for itself – and the somewhat timeless nonchalance of the Canadian songwriter.

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