Bank Threats and Tragic Suicide: The Story of Aymanath Businessman in Kottayam

2023-09-26 05:09:17

Kottayam – Complaint that Aymanath businessman committed suicide following threats from the bank. K.C., a native of Aymanam Kudayampadi. The family’s complaint is that Binu (50) committed suicide after being threatened by the bank. Binu’s family alleged that the bank employees were constantly threatening the shop over the arrears. Binu was found dead inside the house yesterday afternoon. The family’s position is that they will take Binu’s dead body to the bank in a protest march.

Binu’s wife alleged that the bank did not grant the loan repayment delay, but did not listen to her pleas not to insult her by coming home. The daughter also revealed that Binu was threatened by the bank manager.

My father had taken a loan from Karnataka Bank. I have taken loan from here before. It has all been paid on time. For the last two months, my father has not been able to repay the money. Due to this, the dues came. No matter what the problems are, my father pays all the loans correctly. We all know that.’

After two months of arrears, the manager of the bank threatened my father continuously. He threatened to take away the goods from the shop. Two days later, he sent the bank employee to the shop. He came to the shop in the evening.

That day, the father got scared and left the shop. After a while, he called his mother’s phone. The father told the mother that he would commit suicide by naming the bankers. They said that they are not giving peace on account of the loan and that if they get two days’ delay, it can be paid.

I called the bank as I was told to call them, but they didn’t pick up the phone. If you call from your father’s phone, they will pick up. We called and did not pick up. The bank manager went to the store again the next evening. He also threatened his father that day. The conversation was in a way that made my father weak. My father told me he would send me the audio clip of him talking, but the next day he got scared and deleted it.

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Father is so scared only when this bank manager calls. Then we paid the dues on the same day they said. Later, he again threatened to pay the dues of this month before the 24th. If you have already paid the amount for two months, why not give a little more time to pay this month? We haven’t closed yet. Aren’t these people human enough to realize that immediately after paying a large amount, it becomes difficult to pay the next amount?

Two days ago, mother called father to recharge the phone. But the father said that the money in the account was taken by the manager. This was also very difficult for my father. – said the daughter.

English Summary: Bank threat for late loan repayment; 50 year old man committed suicide in Kottayam

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