“He was more Kirchnerist than Cristina”: the former president of the IDB criticized a possible Milei minister

2023-09-26 03:27:00

The former head of the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) Mauricio Claver-Carone harshly criticized this Monday Guillermo Francosformer executive director of Argentina in the organization and current member of the team of the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Mileywho sounds like possible interior minister.

“Francos represents the worst of the Argentine political caste. By appointing Alberto Fernández to the IDB, He was more Alberto than Alberto. Inside the IDB directory He was more Kirchnerist than Cristinaand even used my criticism of Kirchnerism as a pretext once morest me,” said Claver Carone in an interview with Clarion.

Mauricio Claver-Carone once morest Guillermo Francos: “The worst of the Argentine political caste”

And, in statements to a Buenos Aires newspaper, he added: “When Sergio Massa was appointed minister, he was a Massista. And now, with Milei with the advantage, he is a mileist“.

Francos left his position in Washington this year to join the campaign of libertarian Milei.

Claver-Carone was an official close to former President Donald Trump and was removed as president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) last year.

The former head of the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) Mauricio Claver-Carone.

Guillermo Francos’ response: “He is a cynic”

Interviewed in LN+, Guillermo Francos came out to respond to Claver-Carone: “He is a cynic. He was president because Trump made him. “He made an agreement with presidents of Latin America, especially with Bolsonaro, and I quickly appreciated him at the IDB.”

“I didn’t have a bad relationship initially,” he clarified and returned to the charge once morest the former head of the IDB, recalling the case for which he was dismissed: “At a certain time began to deny loans to Argentina. Especially one with the IMF, of 500 million dollars. Simultaneously, a complaint appeared once morest Claver-Carone, for maintaining a relationship that did not correspond to the one she designated as head of advisors and doubled her salary as president.”

“An investigation was carried out that concluded with a report that determined something that I cannot reveal since it is secret, but that I saw, for which we voted for the removal. And 99% of the IDB capital voted to remove Claver,” said Francos.

Guillermo Francos g_20230820
Guillermo Francos.

Along these lines, he continued: “He has some friends in American politics, among them Senator Bob Menéndez that he was removed from the presidency of the Foreign Relations Committee for corruption, and also has friends of Cuban representatives in Congress and with that he has hidden behind the fact that he was going to capitalize the IDB. He was fired for a lack of ethics.”

Likewise, he pointed out that Claver-Carone would be angry with him because he led the removal process: “He’s mad at me because I led that process. “I was director and led that process.”

Who is Mauricio Claver-Carone

In just two years, an American of Cuban origin Mauricio Claver-Carone went from being chosen to head the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2020 at the proposal of then-US President Donald Trump, to being dismissed accused of maintaining “inappropriate conduct” of a sexual nature. Along the way, he was critical of the government of Alberto Fernández, although before his departure the entity approved a new megacredit for Argentina.

Son of Cuban immigrants, Claver-Carone was elected President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on September 12, 2020 a decision that generated controversy because he was the first non-Latin American president to lead the organization.

The IDB fired Mauricio Claver-Carone
Mauricio Claver-Carone.

Who is Guillermo Francos?

A month ago, following almost four years as executive director for Argentina of the IDB, the economist confirmed that he agreed to “join Javier Milei’s team.”

The then Secretary of Strategic Affairs Gustavo Béliz, had recommended Francos for the IDB. However, the economist met Milei in the early 2000s through businessman Eduardo Eurnekián.

If it is finally the Minister of interior by Milei, Francos will manage the link with the governorsall from political parties opposed to La Libertad Avanza.

In 1996, he joined the party Action for the Republic by Domingo Cavallo. From there he achieved a bench as national deputy for menemism in 1998 and chaired his block, until he resigned from the position two years later.

Then, following his time in private practice at Eduardo Eurnekián’s Corporación América, he chaired the Bank province during the two terms of former Buenos Aires governor Daniel Scioli.


#Kirchnerist #Cristina #president #IDB #criticized #Milei #minister



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